Marine diesel engine is to be maintained and overhauled periodically in accordance with international rules and regulations. The manufacturer’s recommendations for the periodic overhaul of marine engine as well as that of the class and the administration is to be followed.

RA Power Solutions undertakes on-board overhaul and repair of marine engines. The auxiliary engines which are used for generation of power are also overhauled as per the scheduled recommended by the manufacturers.
RA Power Solutions undertakes the periodic checks of marine engine and auxiliary engines (generators) on board the vessel for 250, 1000, 2000, 4000, and 8000 hours of routine inspection and overhaul.
Team of experienced technicians trained to work in a difficult situation are deputed on board the vessel. In case of any accident or technical issues reported by the chief engineer a separate technician with instruments and portable equipment is deputed to attend the repairs on the spot. This facilitates the repair of damage parts if possible and the assembly of the engine after overhauling work in short duration reducing the downtime.

Prior to assembly of the engine all the parts are thoroughly inspected and calibration report in detail is prepared. In case of any discrepancies, it is highlighted and explained to the engineers, and plan for corrective action is made in consultation with the owners.
Having in-house facilities for repair of major engine components, RA Power Solutions has an edge over other agencies. Major parts like crankshaft, engine block, connecting rods, and cylinder heads are calibrated and repaired in most of the cases.
In certain situation in case the damage cannot be attended on vessel the parts are sent to our workshop for repairs.
RA Power Solutions with 4 decades of experience stands guarantee for the job of marine engine overhaul and repair executed.
For more information on overhaul of marine engine, Ship Auxiliary Engine Overhaul, Marine Engine Services, or Diesel Engine Overhaul, please email us at, or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.