Repair of Crack Cast Metal by Metal Stitching Services | Cast Iron Engine Block Crack Repair

It is observed that cracks repair in cast iron components develop due to exposure to excessive heat or mechanical failures. Sometimes it is difficult to arrange for the new part due to long delivery or exorbitant price.

RA Power Solutions undertakes repair of cracked cast metal or aluminium components by metal stitching and metal locking process. It provides permanent crack repair solutions without the generation of heat associated with the welding process. The main advantage of cracking or damaged cast iron or aluminium components by metal stitching and metal locking is that it can be performed onsite avoiding the considerably high cost of labour for disassembly of the equipment and transport to the designated workshop.

The repair of cracks cast metal by metal stitching and metal lock process restores the surface area to the original dimensions and profile. Very rarely there is a requirement for machining. The repairs are also watertight and gas-tight.

Damaged Engine Block Under Repair
Damaged Engine Block Under Repair
Onsite Repair of Engine Block by Metal Stitching & Metal Locking
Onsite Repair of Engine Block by Metal Stitching & Metal Locking

RA Power Solutions with experience of more than four decades. We have experienced technicians who have undertaken the most complex crack repair jobs through metal stitching and metal lock processes. The technicians carry pneumatic portable tools and consumables to the site. We have executed thousands of repairs of cracked components, a broad description of which is as follows:

  • Repair heavy earthmoving and mining machinery.
  • Repair of high-capacity turbines, alternators, turbocharger casings, and parts.
  • Cracked engine blocks, cylinder heads, pistons, and cylinder liners.
  • Heavy-duty industrial machine.
Pulverizer of Cement Plant under Repair by Metal Stitching Metal Locking
Pulverize of Cement Plant Under Repair By Metal Stitching Metal Locking
Repair of Piston by Metal Locking & Metal Stitching under Process
Repair of Piston by Metal Locking & Metal Stitching under Process

The consumables used by RA Power Solutions for the repair of crack cast metal by metal stitching and metal lock have the following properties which result in permanent repair with a guarantee.

I) Locks:

The locks of different designs are used in the process of repair of cracks by metal lock and metal stitching according to the intensity of the crack, length and thickness of the casting.

Special Metal Locks & Keys for Repair of Engine Block
Special Metal Locks & Keys For Repair Of Engine Block

The locks used by us are made of precision-cut high-grade steel and are able to withstand high tensile forces more than the original casting.

II) Stitching Pins:

The stitching pins used by us have special threads which make the process failure-free. The pins are manufactured out of high-grade steel and have higher tensile strength than the cast iron.

Engine Block After Repair by Metal Stitching & Metal Locking Process
Engine Block After Repair by Metal Stitching & Metal Locking Process

For your requirement of crack repair on-site in a Power Plant or onboard a vessel, you may contact RA Power Solutions. All our technicians have valid CDC and can fly to any destination in the world on short notice.

For more details on fixing a cracked engine block, metal surgery process, repair crack cast iron, engine block repair, crack repair of components, and cast iron engine block crack repair please email us at, or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Broken Engine Block Repair | Damaged Engine Bedplate Repairs | Metal Stitching

The repair of broken engine block, turbocharger casing, and heavy cast iron parts can be successfully repaired by metal stitching, metal locking, and metal surgery process.

The repair of crack and repair of damaged casting by welding process is now completely outdated and is not recommended for repair of damaged cast metal and cast iron parts. In fact, it is observed that in certain cases repair by welding results in more serious damage due to the generation of heat and stress during the process of welding. RA Power Solutions have been undertaking repairs of damaged engine block, steel components repair, cast iron repairs, and all types of cast components by metal stitching and metal locking process for the last four decades.

Metal Stitching & Metal Locking of Suction Bell Mouth of CW Pump Repairing
Metal Stitching & Metal Locking of Suction Bell Mouth of CW Pump Repairing
Broken Suction Bell Mouth of CW Pump
Broken Suction Bell Mouth of CW Pump

We have a separate and dedicated team of technicians who have the capability to undertake the onsite repair of crack and damage casting by using portable tools and high-quality consumables (locks and keys ) which are imported by us from the UK.

Broken Area of Engine Block
Broken Area of Engine Block
Engine Block After Metal Stitching and Metal Locking
Engine Block After Metal Stitching and Metal Locking

Advantages of crack repair and damage casting, cast iron repair by metal stitching, and metal locking process:

  • It is possible to undertake crack repair and repair of damage casting by metal stitching and metal locking process onsite. Hence there is no requirement of transporting the cracked or damaged components to the workshop.
  • In most cases, there is no requirement for the disassembly of equipment.
  • We possess portable tools to execute the repairs on-site.
  • The time duration for the repair of crack and damaged cast components by metal lock and metal stitching is low.
  • Metal Stitching and Metal Locking is a permanent crack repair method as no heat is generated which is associated with welding.
  • The crack and damaged area after repair by metal locking and metal stitching process is restored to its original profile and is also recommended for gas or watertight repair.
  • Repairs are undertaken with the guarantee.

The repair by metal stitching and metal locking process can be undertaken of cast iron, aluminum parts including the following:

  • Damaged turbocharger casing.
  • Pump casing and gearboxes.
  • Fixing Cracked engine block, cam covers, cylinder liners, turbine casings, and all components.
  • Heavy industrial and mining equipment.
Metal Surgery under Process while Vessel is Sailing
Metal Surgery under Process while Vessel is Sailing

For a detailed repair process of damaged casting by metal locking, damaged engine block, metal stitching, broken engine block repair, and metal surgery please email us at, or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Overhauling of Main Engine Repair | Repair of Engine Metal Stitching of Damaged Block

RA Power Solutions received an emergency call from a Steel Company based in Indonesia regarding damage of their Engine SULZER 6RND68.

On arrival of our team of engineers, it was observed that lower engine block of SULZER 6RND68 was damaged badly. Hence it required disassembly of complete engine, overhauling and repair of engine block by metal stitching & metal locking.

Damaged Engine Block
Damaged Engine Block

Following is the brief of job description executed:

  • Inspection and overhaul of the cylinder covers including the fuel and starting valves located in the covers. The cylinder covers cooling spaces were also inspected, cleaned and fitted back with new O-rings.
  • Dismount, Inspect and overhaul the exhaust valves, renewed the seals and grinding the valve spindles.
  • The cylinder liners were cleaned, calibrated and honed in order to restore the liners running surfaces and remove ovality. This ensured that the piston rings perform better and this will lead to a better overall cylinder condition, compared to if honing had not been done. The cylinder liners cooling spaces were also inspected, cleaned and fitted back with new o-rings.
  • Replacement of thrust block pads and correction of end play.
  • Metal locking of damaged Engine block by our technicians.
Special Keys & Locks Used in Metal Stitching Process
Special Keys & Locks Used in Metal Stitching Process
Repair of Engine Block by Metal Stitching is in Process
Repair of Engine Block by Metal Stitching is in Process
  • Inspected and adjusted the chain drive.
  • Retightened the stay-bolts, holding down bolts end chocks.
  • Took bearing clearances with a telescopic feeler gauge and checked bearing edges by wire gauges.
  • Crankshaft alignment measurement was taken with dial gauge (autolog method)
    Conclusion: The engine was tested on full load for 72 hours & all the parameter were recorded. The engine is performing satisfactorily.
Repair & Overhauling of Engine is in Process
Repair & Overhauling of Engine is in Process
Inspection of Engine Spare Parts is in Process
Inspection of Engine Spare Parts is in Process

For more details regarding Metal Stitching of Damaged Block, overhauling of engine, repair of engine metal stitching of damaged block, crankshaft grinding, and engine block repair please email us at, or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.