Wartsila VASA 12V32 LN Crankshaft Repair

RA Power Solutions was approached by a leading Cement manufacturing Plant based in Nepal regarding the failure of their Crankshaft of Wartsila Diesel Generator model no. WARTSILA VASA 12V32 LN.

The Cement Plant in Nepal is having multiple numbers of Wartsila diesel generating sets model VASA 12V32 LN, Wartsila 18 V 32, and Wartsila 12 V32. The one number crankpin got damaged due to seizure of the bearing of Wartsila Diesel generating set  Vasa 12 V32 LN.

Wartsila Diesel Generator Crankshaft  main Observations: 

  • On inspection of all the crankpins visually the Bearing of crankpin no. 3 was observed damaged and bearing material was found in the oil sump. 
  • On removal of connecting Rods from crank pin no 3. A & B bank, it was found that the bearing was badly struck to the crankpin diameter and it was a case of bearing failure. 
  • The Bearing was removed from the crankpin and on visual inspection, it was observed that bearing material was embedded on the crankpin. The radius fillet of both sides of the crankpin was found damaged and the profile of the radius fillet was distorted. 
  • After cleaning and little polishing of crankpin to remove the bearing material the crack detection test by MPI method was undertaken. No crack was observed.
  • The hardness was also checked and it was observed in the range of 600 HB in a scattered formation which is considered to be on the higher side.  
  • The crankpin was subject to dimensional inspection and the following dimensions were observed.
    • Minimum diameter observed-   269.02 mm
    • Maximum diameter observed-  270.00 mm

Against the standard diameter of 270 mm, the ovality of 0.98 mm was observed which is considered to be very much on a higher side. 

Installation of onsite crankshaft Grinding machine on Wartsila Crankpin
Installation of onsite crankshaft Grinding machine on Wartsila Crankpin
Surface finish test crankpin of Wartsila 12V32 LN Crankshaft
Installation of onsite crankshaft Grinding machine on Wartsila Crankpin

Achievement by RA Power Solutions in successful Repair of Wartsila Crankshaft 12V32 LN:

The successful repair of damaged crank pin no. 3 of Wartsila Crankshaft 12V32 in a short time of 79 hrs is an achievement, the grinding of crankpin was undertaken nonstop on 24 hours basis by a team of three technicians of RA Power Solutions.

RA Power technicians have undertaken the grinding of crankpin having a standard diameter of  270 mm.  Due to serious damage of crankpin, it is to be undersized by 2.0 mm.

The Wartsila Diesel Generator set has been assembled and is in operation.

We have been regularly undertaking crankshaft repair of Wartsila Diesel engine Model No. 12V32, Wartsila 46, Wartsila 43, Wartsila 12V26, Wartsila 12V20 and can undertake grinding of crankshafts up to 700 mm diameter. 

Grinding of Wartsila 12V32 LN Crankpin
Grinding of Wartsila 12V32 LN Crankpin
Crankpin of Wartsila 12V32 LN Crankshaft after grinding & polishing
Crankpin of Wartsila 12V32 LN Crankshaft after grinding & polishing

For more details of the crank pin grinding machine, wartsila crankshaft repair, and wartsila diesel generator crankshaft email us on info@rapowersolutions.com, rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com, call at +91 9582647131,+91 9810012383.

Repair of Crack Cast Metal by Metal Stitching Services | Cast Iron Engine Block Crack Repair

It is observed that cracks repair in cast iron components develop due to exposure to excessive heat or mechanical failures. Sometimes it is difficult to arrange for the new part due to long delivery or exorbitant price.

RA Power Solutions undertakes repair of cracked cast metal or aluminium components by metal stitching and metal locking process. It provides permanent crack repair solutions without the generation of heat associated with the welding process. The main advantage of cracking or damaged cast iron or aluminium components by metal stitching and metal locking is that it can be performed onsite avoiding the considerably high cost of labour for disassembly of the equipment and transport to the designated workshop.

The repair of cracks cast metal by metal stitching and metal lock process restores the surface area to the original dimensions and profile. Very rarely there is a requirement for machining. The repairs are also watertight and gas-tight.

Damaged Engine Block Under Repair
Damaged Engine Block Under Repair
Onsite Repair of Engine Block by Metal Stitching & Metal Locking
Onsite Repair of Engine Block by Metal Stitching & Metal Locking

RA Power Solutions with experience of more than four decades. We have experienced technicians who have undertaken the most complex crack repair jobs through metal stitching and metal lock processes. The technicians carry pneumatic portable tools and consumables to the site. We have executed thousands of repairs of cracked components, a broad description of which is as follows:

  • Repair heavy earthmoving and mining machinery.
  • Repair of high-capacity turbines, alternators, turbocharger casings, and parts.
  • Cracked engine blocks, cylinder heads, pistons, and cylinder liners.
  • Heavy-duty industrial machine.
Pulverizer of Cement Plant under Repair by Metal Stitching Metal Locking
Pulverize of Cement Plant Under Repair By Metal Stitching Metal Locking
Repair of Piston by Metal Locking & Metal Stitching under Process
Repair of Piston by Metal Locking & Metal Stitching under Process

The consumables used by RA Power Solutions for the repair of crack cast metal by metal stitching and metal lock have the following properties which result in permanent repair with a guarantee.

I) Locks:

The locks of different designs are used in the process of repair of cracks by metal lock and metal stitching according to the intensity of the crack, length and thickness of the casting.

Special Metal Locks & Keys for Repair of Engine Block
Special Metal Locks & Keys For Repair Of Engine Block

The locks used by us are made of precision-cut high-grade steel and are able to withstand high tensile forces more than the original casting.

II) Stitching Pins:

The stitching pins used by us have special threads which make the process failure-free. The pins are manufactured out of high-grade steel and have higher tensile strength than the cast iron.

Engine Block After Repair by Metal Stitching & Metal Locking Process
Engine Block After Repair by Metal Stitching & Metal Locking Process

For your requirement of crack repair on-site in a Power Plant or onboard a vessel, you may contact RA Power Solutions. All our technicians have valid CDC and can fly to any destination in the world on short notice.

For more details on fixing a cracked engine block, metal surgery process, repair crack cast iron, engine block repair, crack repair of components, and cast iron engine block crack repair please email us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com, or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Lock and Stitch Cast Iron Repair by RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd.

Repair of cracks developed in commonly used industrial castings and metal is possible to repair by cold method called lock and stitch. It is also known as metal stitching and metal locking. In case of cast iron equipments and parts damaged in to pieces.

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. undertakes repair by lock and stitch process which is cold method as no heat is generated. Crack repair by lock and stitch method in cast iron is proved to be of great success in comparison to the crack repair by welding.

In case of critical cast iron components like engine block, main journal housings, cylinder heads, turbine casings crack repair by metal stitching is highly recommended as it does not develop any misalignment of the casting or shrinkage. We undertake crack repair of cast iron for last more than 37 years on time, within budget and with experienced technicians.

Crack Repair by Lock and Stitch Method
Crack Repair by Lock and Stitch Method

Cast iron repair by metal stitching and metal locking process have following main advantages:

  • Repair of broken casting or crack developed in casting irrespective of its length is possible on site without dismantling the equipment.
  • Saves replacement of parts or equipments in totality and reduces downtime.
  • Cast iron repair by metal stitching and metal locking is the only process which restores strength in cast iron beyond the original casting.
Engine Block of MAN Diesel Engine Broken Ito Pieces
Engine Block of MAN Diesel Engine Broken Ito Pieces
Complete Piece Replaced by New Casting
Complete Piece Replaced by New Casting
  • Metal stitching and metal locking is the only method known to be successful in replacing of the large pieces of broken casting with new piece.
  • Metal stitching and metal locking is the process which caters to heavy industry.

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is the only company which can undertake crack repair by Lock and stitch method while vessel is sailing.

Metal Stitching of Forging Press – Crack Measuring 230 inches
Metal Stitching of Forging Press – Crack Measuring 230 inches
Repair of Engine Block of Yanmar Engine on Vessel
Repair of Engine Block of Yanmar Engine on Vessel

For more details regarding Engine Block of MAN Diesel Engine please email us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com, or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Lock and Stitch Cast Iron Repair | Crack Repair in Cast Iron

Heavy castings like turbine casing, gearboxes, engine block, heads and heavy cast iron parts need not to be disassembled in case of development of crack in casting or breakage of casting in to pieces due to accident.

Cold metal stitching and metal locking process is used to repair cracks in cast iron. The process of crack repair by metal stitching and metal locking does not require any welding and generation of heat. The time has proved that the crack repaired in casting by metal stitching and metal locking is far stronger and more durable in comparison to the repair of crack by welding process.

Broken Engine Block of Yanmar Engine
Broken Engine Block of Yanmar Engine
Repair of Broken Casting by Metal Stitching Process
Repair of Broken Casting by Metal Stitching Process

In most of the cases crack repair in casting is possible onsite and there is no need of transporting the heavy cast piece to the workshop. RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. undertakes crack repair by metal stitching and metal locking process for last more than 3 decades and have executed number of repairs successfully all over the world.

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. is the first company which can undertake repair of high capacity engine blocks, turbine casings, cylinder heads and all cast parts installed on the vessel while it is on move.

Assembly of Broken Pieces of Engine Block
Assembly of Broken Pieces of Engine Block
Metal Stitching of Engine Block in Process
Metal Stitching of Engine Block in Process

The lock and stitch cast iron repair executed by us is guaranteed for satisfactory performance. We are cost-effective and priced lowest in the industry.

Metal Stitching and Metal Locking of Engine Block
Metal Stitching and Metal Locking of Engine Block
Engine Block After Repair
Engine Block After Repair

For more updates on repair of crack in cast iron casting, cast iron crack repair, repair of high-capacity engine blocks, cast iron stitching, or crack repair in cast iron email info@rapowersolutions.com, rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com, call at +91 9582647131, or +91 9810012383.