Wartsila 4L20 Crankshaft Repair on Board a Vessel

The Wartsila 4L20 crankshaft was repaired by RA Power Solutions technicians on board a vessel while sailing. The vessel is owned by a reputed shipping company based in kuwait. Due to the serious accident the crankshaft was removed from the engine block as the crankcase of Wartsila 4L20 was also badly damaged beyond repair.

The main dimensions of the crankshaft of Wartsila 4L20 are as follows:

S. NOCrankshaft Details
1.Engine MakeWartsila
2.Engine Model4L20
3.Crank pin Diameter Standard180 mm
4.Crankpin Bearing Width71 mm
5.Main journal diameter210 mm
6.Place of execution of crankshaft repairSailing from Paradip Port to Ennore Port India
Wartsila 4L20 damaged crankshaft
Wartsila 4L20 damaged crankshaft
Damage crankpin of Wartsila 4L20
Damage crankpin of Wartsila 4L20

Action taken by RA Power Solutions technicians to repair the Wartsila 4L20 Crankshaft

  • On arrival our technicians observed that the damaged crankshaft was lying on the floor. A design of v block was made and V block was manufactured on the vessel. This was done to do the inspection & grinding of the crankshaft as it was aleady removed from the engine block.

RA Power has a tooling by which crankpin grinding can be done without removing the crankshaft from the block

  • All four crankpins were inspected. The maximum ovality of 0.17 mm was observed.

Inspection report is pasted below:


  • Uneven surface, bearings line marks and pitting marks were observed on all crankpins.
  • All main journals were also dimensionally checked and were observed to be within limits. The standard diameter of the main journal is 210 mm.
  • As a matter of routine hardness test, crack detection test, surface finish test etc was done and observed within limits.
  • The grinding of damaged crankpins was done and all the crankpin were undersized by 0.50 mm only. The final size of the crankpin was maintained between 179.48 to 179.50 mm.
Wartsila 4L20 crankshaft grinding on V-BLOCK
Wartsila 4L20 crankshaft grinding on V-BLOCK
Crack detection test of Wartsila 4L20 Crankshaft before grinding
Crack detection test of Wartsila 4L20 Crankshaft before grinding

The final diameter maintained after grinding of crankpins is pasted below:


Crankpin Polishing after inspection of crankshaft
Crankpin Polishing after inspection of crankshaft

The above job was done while sailing of the vessel from Paradip port to Ennore port India and there was no need of stopping the vessel.

We have been regularly executing the repairs in Madagascar, Oman, Qatar, Philippines, Bahrain, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Turkey, Nigeria, Greece, Saudi Arabia, UK, Dubai, Malta, Cyprus, Singapore, Malaysia, Colombia, Indonesia, Hong Kong, Spain, Netherlands, Dubai, Portugal, Estonia, Morocco, Belgium, Vietnam, Canada, Jordan, Libya, Kuwait, Egypt, Morocco, Yemen, Bahrain, Tunisia, Sudan, Oman, Algeria, UAE, Iraq.

Wartsila 4L20 Engine Crank pin after Grinding
Wartsila 4L20 Engine Crank pin after Grinding
Wartsila 4L20 crankpin after grinding & polishing
Wartsila 4L20 crankpin after grinding & polishing

For more informationon Wartsila 4L20 Crankshaft Repair, contact us on rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com, info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Crankpin Grinding | Crankpin Repair – Get it Executed by Experts – RA Power Solutions

Crankshaft is the heart of every engine. It is estimated that the cost of crankshaft is almost 30 to 35% of the total cost of engine. RA Power Solutions considers and treats every crankshaft with the greatest attention. The inexpertly ground crankshaft can lead to the failure of bearing and crankshaft in totality causing considerable damage and loses to the owners.

Onsite Crankpin Grinding and Crankpin Polishing
Onsite Crankpin Grinding and Crankpin Polishing

RA Power Solutions undertakes onsite crankpin grinding and crankpin polishing in one setting. The portable, light weight onsite crankshaft grinding machine is taken to the site. The crankshaft grinding machine is designed in such a way that it can undertake the crankshaft machining, crankshaft grinding and crankshaft polishing in one setting.

The forty-three years of experience of our company and staff guarantees machining, grinding, and polishing of crankshaft to the highest professional standards strictly in accordance to the tolerances stipulated by the manufacturers. Our experience of working on crankshaft and the trust of our clients have resulted to successfully repair of more than 10,000 crankshafts Worldwide.

The services of crankshaft grinding and crankshaft polishing are extended for all the applications including forging hammers, marine and industrial.Our location in India gives us an opportunity to serve our clients in Middle East Asia and European countries.

Damaged Crankpin of Marine Engine
Damaged Crankpin of Marine Engine
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine - Grinding Crankpin on Board a Vessel
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine – Grinding Crankpin on Board a Vessel

Technician’s having Indian CDC can sail on the vessel and can execute the repairs. The main advantage of availing RA Power Solutions services is not only limited to the availability of experienced technicians but all the repairs like metal stitching, repair of major parts, dismantling and overhauling of DG sets is also offered.

We stand guarantee for all the jobs executed by us for successful repair of the engine in totality.

For more information on crankpin grinding and repair, grinding of crankpin, crankshaft grinding repair services, insitu crankpin grinding, or crankshaft polishing please email us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com, or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Grinding of Crankpin is in Process
Grinding of Crankpin is in Process
Finished Crankpin After Grinding
Finished Crankpin After Grinding

Insitu Crankpin Grinding | Crankpin Repair | Marine and Industrial Engine – RA Power Solutions

RA Power Solutions undertake crankpin polish and crankpin grinding of crankshaft for four stroke and two stroke for marine and industrial diesel engines.

We work on medium and high capacity diesel engines having capacity of more than 400 KW. In terms of diameter we can undertake crankpin polish and crankpin grinding onsite for the diameters ranging from 60 mm to 700 mm.

Crankshaft Grinding and Polishing with Highest Precision

The crankpin grinding and crankpin polishing for marine and industrial application is undertaken by onsite crankshaft grinding machine. The diameter, surface finish and all parameters are maintained strictly as per the manufacturer’s specifications. Each job of crankpin polishing and crankpin grinding is executed with the greatest care because inexpertly repair of crankshaft can lead to the premature failure of the bearing causing considerable consequential damage. In fact with four decades of experience in the field of crankshaft grinding and crankshaft repair our experts technicians guarantee machining of crankshaft to the highest professional standards.

Damage Crankpin of Wartsila 12V32
Damage Crankpin of Wartsila 12V32
Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine from Crankcase Window
Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine from Crankcase Window

Cost Effective Crankshaft Grinding Services

In spite of constantly executing the repairs as per the OEMs standards with the highest quality demand we as an Indian company are considered to be the lowest price wise in comparison to the companies based in Europe, Singapore and other countries. We have executed successfully repair of over 10,000 crankshafts which is a testimony of confidence on us by clients based all over the world.

Inspection and Grinding of Crankpin of Wartsila Engine is in Process
Inspection and Grinding of Crankpin of Wartsila Engine is in Process

Services Related to Repair and Overhauling of Engine

RA Power Solutions offers all the services related to repair and overhauling of medium and high speed engines which includes following:

  • Insitu crankshaft repair, crankshaft grinding and crankshaft polishing up to 700 mm diameter.
  • Engine block repair by metal stitching and metal locking, line boring and other process.
  • Repair of major parts like cylinder heads, connecting rods, cylinder liners, etc.
  • Repair and overhauling of diesel engines.

All the repairs and services offered by RA Power Solutions are supported with guarantee.

We extend services all over the world including Nigeria, Singapore, Indonesia, Germany, Taiwan, Belgium, Korea, Ecuador, Brazil, Mexico, Myanmar, Greece, Spain, Finland, Netherlands, Oman, Dubai, Iran, Egypt, Russia, Philippines, etc.

For more information on onsite grinding and repair of crankpin, engine overhauling services or insitu crankpin grinding please email us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com, or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.