Daihatsu 5DK-20 Crankshaft Repair | RA Power Solutions Forty-Four Years Of Experience

Daihatsu 5DK-20 crankshaft has been successfully repaired by RA Power Solutions technicians on board a vessel recently. A leading shipping company based in Greece operating more than fifty container vessels approached RA Power Solutions to repair the crankshaft of Daihatsu 5DK-20 on the vessel.

The main challenge was that the crankpin no. 03 of Daihatsu 5DK-20 met with a serious accident damaging the radius fillet of both sides of the crankpin. They had a stopover of only 18 hrs at Mundra Port India.

In fact, the owners disparately tried to get the crankpin repaired in Dubai and approached leading companies but none of them was able to repair the crankpin with a damaged radius filet.

Major Technical Details Of Daihatsu 5DK-20 Crankshaft

S. NOCrankshaft Details
1.Engine MakeDaihatsu
2.Engine Model5DK-20
3.Crankpin Diameter Standard170 mm
4.Crankpin Bearing Width78 mm
5.Place of execution of crankshaft repairMundra Port India
Before grinding and polishing of Daihatsu 5DK-20 crankshaft
Picture Showing Before Grinding and Polishing of Daihatsu 5DK-20 crankshaft
Crankshaft grinding of Daihatsu 5DK-20
Crankshaft grinding of Daihatsu 5DK-20

Action taken by RA Power Solutions for successful repair of Daihatsu 5DK-20 Crankpin

  • Dimensional inspection of the crankpin no. 03 was done by the technicians and an ovality of 0.49 mm with deep bearing marks, rough surface, etc was observed.
  • The radius fillet of both sides of crankpin no. 03 was damaged badly in fact the original profile of the fillet radius of Daihatsu crankshaft was lost due to an accident.
  • Hardness and crack detection tests were undertaken and were found within limits.
  • Deflection was also within the parameters.
  • Our technicians with the help of specially designed compact dedicated tooling for repair of crankpin having small bearing width used the equipment. They reduced the diameter of the crank pin by 1.0 mm and maintained the final diameter of 169.00 mm. Maintaining the tolerance within 0.02 mm, the preparation & formation of radius fillet on both sides of the crank pin was a challenge which was done by our technicians within 18 hours of boarding the vessel.
  • In this case of Daihatsu 5DK-20 the crank pin bearing width is only 78 mm and with our specially designed equipment it was possible to undertake the grinding.No other company have the compact tooling to undertake such repairs on site without removing it from the engine block.
  • The bearing is only 1.0 mm undersize and was supplied by RA Power Solutions. The engine was commissioned during the presence of our technicians on board the vessel.
Daihatsu 5DK-20 after Grinding & Polishing
Daihatsu 5DK-20 after Grinding & Polishing
Crankpin Daihatsu 5DK-20 after Repair
Crankpin Daihatsu 5DK-20 after Repair

RA Power Solutions is ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System) & ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System) certified approved company.

We have been regularly executing onsite crankshaft repairs and crankshaft grinding in Dubai, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al-Quwain, and Fujairah, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad, and Tobago, etc.

For more details of the Repair of engine and supply of bearings, Daihatsu 5DK-20 Crankshaft repair please email us on rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com, info@rapowersolutions.com or Call us at +91 9582647131, or +91 9810012383.

In situ Machining of Sulzer Z 40/48 Crankshaft on vessel | Sulzer crankshaft repair

A Sulzer main engine Sulzer Z 40/48 aboard a container vessel faced serious damage to the crankshaft due to failure of the Governor, this resulted in damage to crankpins.

The major technical details of Sulzer Z 40/48 crankshaft are given below:

S. No.Crankshaft Details
1.Engine MakeSulzer
2.Engine ModelZ 40/48
3.Crankpin Diameter Standard330 mm
4.Crankpin Bearing Width132 mm
5.Place of execution of crankshaft repair Port of Las Calderas Bani in Dominican Republic
Damaged crankpin of Sulzer Model Z 40/48
Damaged crankpin of Sulzer Model Z 40/48
Repair of Crankshaft of Sulzer Model Z 40/48
Repair of Crankshaft of Sulzer Model Z 40/48

The inspection of the Sulzer crankshaft was done by our technicians and the following main observations were reported.

  • On removal of the connecting rod from all the six crankpins the crankpin bearings were observed badly damaged. There were deep scoring marks and localized damage on the crankpin.
  • The hardness and crack detection was done and they were observed to be within limits.
  • Deflection readings were within the parameters stipulated in the manual.
  • The crankpins dimensional were checked and ovality as per following table was observed.
main observations were reported
Sulzer Model Z 40/48 crank pin no 04 before grinding
Sulzer Model Z 40/48 crank pin no 04 before grinding
Crankpin no. 05 of Sulzer Z 40/48 before grinding
Crankpin no. 05 of Sulzer Z 40/48 before grinding
Sulzer Model Z 40/48 crank pin no 06 before grinding
Sulzer Model Z 40/48 crank pin no 06 before grinding

Action taken by RA Power Solutions for successfully repair of crankshaft Sulzer Z 40/48

  • The ovality, deep scoring marks and local damage was observed on all crankpins, further the ovality ranging from 0.11 mm to 0.43 mm was observed as per the dimensional chart pasted above.
  • In this situation client’s management was consulted and a presentation was made on the damage to the crankshaft and the remedial action proposed by RA Power Solutions.
  • All the crankpins were undersized as per the chart below except crankpin no 01 which was only polished:
Action taken by RA Power Solutions for successfully repair
  • The radius fillet of two crankpins which were damaged due to the accident was also repaired.
  • After repair technicians again checked all the parameters and were found within limits.

Sulzer Model Z 40/48 crankpin repair results

RA Power Solutions experienced technicians repaired the crankshaft successfully within the tolerance limits specified in the manual and then re- install the crankshaft to full rated capacity of the load.

By undertaking the repairs of the crankshaft onsite without removing it from the engine block, clients save the down time and also the cost of removing it from the block and sending it to the workshop.

Crankpin no. 03 after grinding & polishing on board a vessel
Crankpin no. 03 after grinding & polishing on board a vessel
Sulzer Z 40/48 Crankpin after successful repair
Sulzer Z 40/48 Crankpin after successful repair
Sulzer engine Z 40/48 Crankpin no. 05 after repair
Sulzer engine Z 40/48 Crankpin no. 05 after repair

RA Power Solutions is ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management System) & ISO 14001:2015 (Environmental Management System) certified approved company and extends crankshaft repair services all over the world. We can move our team of technicians and equipment anywhere in the world within 24 hours of first information.

We have been regularly executing on-site crankshaft repairs and crankshaft grinding in Dubai, Oman, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Abu Dhabi, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al-Quwain, and Fujairah, Bahrain, Kuwait, Iraq, Antigua and Barbuda, Belize, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Guyana, Haiti, Jamaica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad, and Tobago, etc.

For more details of the Repair of engine, Engine Sulzer, please email us on raj.shahani@rapowersolutions.com, info@rapowersolutions.com or Call +91 9582647131, +91 9810012383.

Daihatsu 5DC-17 Undersize Bearings Availability and Crankshaft Repair

RA Power Solutions is proud to announce that we are saving the crankshaft of Daihatsu 5DC-17 from rejection by undertaking successful repair. As on date we have saved more than a hundred fifty crankshafts from rejection and have repaired them onsite without removing it from the engine block.

The Main Features of Repair of Daihatsu 5DC-17 Crankshaft by RA Power Solutions are as following:

  • RA Power Solutions is the only company in the world that can undertake grinding of Daihatsu 5DC-17 crankpins having a crankpin diameter of 145 mm and bearing length of only 64 mm which is considered to be very less for the placement of the on-site crankshaft grinding machine.
  • We have specially designed and dedicated onsite crankshaft grinding equipment which can be inserted from the engine block window to undertake the grinding of crankpins. No need for removing the crankshaft from the block & sending it to the workshop.
  • Damage to fillet radius is a serious issue with the crankshaft of Daihatsu 5DC-17. We undertake the repair of the fillet radius and do the grinding.
  • RA Power Solutions is the first and only company in the world that can undertake the grinding of crankshaft with a damaged fillet even while sailing the vessel.

Ready stock of Crankpin undersize Bearings

  • RA Power Solutions maintain a stock of undersize bearings which are required immediately after grinding. In most cases, we send our technicians along with the undersize bearing which facilitates immediate commissioning & operation of the engine after the grinding of crankshaft is done.
  • The Daihatsu 5DC-17 engine manufacturer recommends grinding of crankpin only up to 1.0 mm undersize. With our experience of more than 43 years in the repair of marine engine crankshafts, we have undersized the crankpins up to 3.0 mm and the engines are performing satisfactory.
  • The successful repair of the crankshaft has resulted in saving of huge amount for the owners of shipping companies.

Following Daihatsu 5DC-17 Bearings are Available and Ready in Stock.

  • Main Journal Bearings standard size.
  • Crankpin Bearings:
    • 0.5 mm undersize
    • 1.0 mm undersize
    • 1.5 mm undersize
    • 2.0 mm undersize
    • 2.5 mm undersize
    • 3.0 mm undersize

For your requirement of Repair of crankshaft of Daihatsu 5DC-17, bearings for Daihatsu engine and undersize crank pin bearings please contact RA Power Solutions or please Email us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com, info@rapowersolutions.com Call at +91 9582647131,+91 9810012383.

Crankshaft Journal Machining of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV | YANMAR Engine Repair

We were approached by a company based in Greece reporting the failure of a crankshaft of auxiliary engine on one of their vessels operating in the Gulf.

It was reported that the accident resulted in the failure of the bearing of crankpin no. 1, 3, and 6.


S. NO Crankshaft Details  
1 Engine Make YANMAR
2 Engine Model 6N18AL-DV
3 Crankpin Diameter Standard 145 mm
4 Crankpin Bearing Width 65 mm
5   Name of Vessel MV GULF Traders

Our team of two technicians boarded the vessel in short notice and requested the chief engineer to open the connecting rod of all six crankpins.


STANDARD DIMENSION: 145.00 mm      

STANDARD /SPECIFIED NO                                                                

                                                                   SIZE OF CR PINS

  A Aa C Cc B Bb Min Max Remarks
CR-1 144.66 144.83 144.77 144.82 144.69 144.82 144.66 144.83 Ovality – 0.17 MM
CR-2 144.64 144.77 144.79 144.81 144.65 144.73 144.64 144.81 Ovality – 0.17 MM
CR-3 144.69 144.76 144.76 144.83 144.64 144.81 144.64 144.83 Ovality – 0.19 MM
CR-4 144.61 144.74 144.74 144.79 144.68 144.75 144.61 144.79 Ovality – 0.18 MM
CR-5 144.66 144.81 144.77 144.84 144.71 144.73 144.66 144.84 Ovality – 0.18 MM
CR-6 144.67 144.85 144.78 144.80 144.72 144.77 144.67 144.85 Ovality – 0.18 MM
  • On going through the above dimensions, it was noticed all 6 crank pins had ovality between 0.17 mm to 0.18 mm and were considerable down in comparison to standard diameter of 145.00 mm.
  • The hardness of crank pins was checked with a portable hardness tester and was observed within limits.
  • The MPI was conducted by our level 2  qualified technician.
  • Multiple hairline cracks were observed on crank pin no.4 having a length ranging from 6 mm to 25 mm.


  • Considering the ovality , multiple cracks on crank pin nos 4 and rough surface observed of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV.
  • All the six crankpins except crankpin no. 4 were undersized to 0.80 mm. The crank pin no. 4 has to be undersized by 1.20 mm due to the presence of cracks.


STANDARD DIMENSION: 145.00 mm      

STANDARD /SPECIFIED NO                                                                

                                                                   SIZE OF CR PINS

  A Aa C Cc B Bb Min Max Remarks
CR-1 144.19 144.20 144.18 144.18 144.19 144.20 144.18 144.20 Ovality – 0.02 MM
CR-2 144.20 144.19 144.19 144.18 144.20 144.19 144.18 144.20 Ovality – 0.02 MM
CR-3 144.20 144.18 144.19 144.19 144.20 144.18 144.18 144.20 Ovality – 0.02 MM
CR-4 143.80 143.80 143.79 143.78 143.80 143.79 143.78 143.80 Ovality – 0.02 MM
CR-5 144.20 144.20 144.19 144.18 144.20 144.19 144.18 144.20 Ovality – 0.02 MM
CR-6 144.20 144.19 144.18 144.18 144.20 144.20 144.18 144.20 Ovality – 0.02 MM


  • The 0.80 mm and 1.20 mm under-size bearings were supplied by RA Power Solutions in a very short time and engine was put back into operation.
  • We maintain a large stock of spare parts of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV or arrange through our principals on short notice.


The crankpin having a diameter of 145 mm and a bearing length of only 65 mm was successfully repaired by us because of the fact, we have a dedicated crankshaft grinding machine which can undertake the grinding of crank pin having a small diameters and bearing widths.

Most of the companies based in Europe and other countries do not have the equipment which can on-site grind the crank pin and main journal diameter having a small diameter and bearing width. They advise clients to open the crankshaft from engine and send it to the workshop for repairs.

We extend our services all over the world at a very low price.

Crankshaft Machining of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV on vessel
Crankshaft Machining of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV on vessel
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV

  Insitu Crankshaft Pin journal Repair of  YANMAR 6N18AL-DV
Insitu Crankshaft Pin journal Repair of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV
Crankshaft after Grinding and Polishing
Crankshaft after Grinding and Polishing

MAK , B&W , Sulzer , Bergen , Detroit Diesel ,Stork Werkspoor , Pielstick , Deutz , Yanmar , MTU , Cummins , Nohab Polar , Caterpillar , Mitsubishi , Yanmar , MAK and many more.

We have been regularly executing the repairs in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Georgia, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, etc.

This blog is written by Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of RA Power Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.).
Mr. Shahani is a highly experienced business leader with rich experience of more than 40 years in the field of Power, Heavy and Shipping industries. He is Technical Adviser to many shipping and heavy industries across the globe.

Mr. Shahani is one of the most enthusiastic professional and he has all the brilliance of an exemplary leader. Mr. Shahani is an extremely effective coach and mentor of teams and is adept at providing leadership in a global, cross-cultural environment.

For more information on crankshaft repair, crankpin repair, and yanmar engine repair contact us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com or info@rapowersolutions.com or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Daihatsu 6 DK-20 Crankshaft Repair | Onsite Grinding of Daihatsu Engine Crankshaft | Crankshaft Machining In Situ

RA Power Solutions was approached by a company based in Greece regarding a problem faced by them in their auxiliary engine of Daihatsu 6 DK-20.

It was reported that the bearing of crankpin no.3 got damaged.


S. NO Crankshaft Details  
1 Engine Make Daihatsu
2 Engine Model 6 DK-20
3 Crankpin Diameter Standard 170 mm
4 Crankpin Bearing Width 78 mm
5 Name of Vessel MV ABBA


  • Technicians on boarding the vessel inspected the crankshaft.
  • The hardness of crankpin no.3 was observed within limits between 210 to 240 HB scale.
  • After a thorough cleaning of crankpin No. 3, the MPI test was done and no cracks or abnormality was observed.
  • Crankpin no. 3 was subject to dimensional inspection.


a) Minimum diameter observed – 169.10 mm

b) Maximum diameter observed – 169.33 mm

c) Total ovality -0.40 mm

The crankshaft was already undersized to 169.50 mm against the standard size of 170.00 mm.


a) The minimum diameter observed after grinding – 168.98 mm

 b) Maximum diameter observed after grinding – 169.00 mm

 c)Total ovality observed after grinding – 0.02 mm

  • After grinding crankpin no. 3, the engine was assembled and put on trial.
  • We will be pleased to share the original pre and final machining inspection reports duly signed by the chief engineer of the vessel which has all the technical details required for the successful repair of the crankshaft.


It was possible for RA Power Solutions to successfully undertake repair of the crankpin having a bearing width of only 78 mm because we have the equipment which can be placed on the crankpin or main journal diameter having a bearing width of as small as 40 mm.

With this advanced technology and process, no other crankshaft repair company has due to which they either reject the crankshaft or recommend getting it repaired from the workshop.

Crankpin of Daihatsu 6 DK-20 Engine Crankshaft before Repair
Crankpin of Daihatsu 6 DK-20 Engine Crankshaft before Repair
Magnetic Particle Test of Crankshaft of Daihatsu 6 DK-20 Engine
Magnetic Particle Test of Crankshaft of Daihatsu 6 DK-20 Engine
Repair of Crankshaft of Daihatsu 6 DK-20
Repair of Crankshaft of Daihatsu 6 DK-20
Crankshaft Grinding of Daihatsu 6 DK-20
Crankshaft Grinding of Daihatsu 6 DK-20

We have been regularly executing the repairs in Greece, Moldova, Belarus, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Cambodia, Colombia, Denmark, Ethiopia, Ghana, Haiti, etc.

This blog is written by Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of RA Power Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.) and a highly experienced business leader with rich experience of more than 40 years in the field of Power, Heavy, and Shipping industry. He is Technical Adviser to many shipping and heavy industries across the globe.

Mr. Shahani is one of the most enthusiastic professionals and he has all the brilliance of an exemplary leader. He is an extremely effective coach and mentor of teams and is adept at providing leadership in a global, cross-cultural environment.

For more information on bearings for Daihatsu engine and Daihatsu crankshaft repair contact us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com or info@rapowersolutions.com or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Crankshaft Grinding & Polishing Machine | Onsite Cylindrical Grinding Machine

Crankshaft is considered to be a heart of the engine. It is important that all the parameters recommended by engine manufacturers are strictly maintained for continuous and satisfactory performance of the engine.

It is observed that crankshaft failure can happen at any time in spite of excellent maintained engine. Secondly, due to continuous running of a diesel engine wear and tear, development of taper and ovality, pitting, and rough surface is developed. This needs to be corrected. By introduction of onsite crankshaft grinding and crankshaft polisher machine, RA Power Solutions has made onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing easy. Now there is no need of removing the crankshaft and sending it to the workshop for repairs.

Crankshaft Grinding and Polishing Machine
Crankshaft Grinding and Polishing Machine

With our revolutionary onsite crankshaft grinding and onsite polishing machine, it is possible to do the repair crankshaft onsite.

Crankshaft grinding & crankshaft polishing machine has the following features:

  • The crankshaft grinding machine is available in the range of 30 mm to 700 mm which covers crankshafts of small to high-capacity engines.
  • The performance of onsite crankshaft grinding machine manufactured by RA Power Solutions is a proven, solution-focused approach with guaranteed results in terms of tolerances. By using onsite crankshaft grinding machine, shipping companies, diesel power plant, and drydocks have reduced the downtime considerably and save money which really matters due to competition.
Crankshaft Grinding Machine of High Diameter
Crankshaft Grinding Machine of High Diameter
  • The onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing is undertaken by the same equipment. Every time engine is open for major overhauling, crank pin and main journal of crankshaft can be polished to remove the bearing line marks and to improve the surface finish. This increases the life of bearing and avoids crankshaft from breakdown.
  • The crankshaft grinding and crankshaft polishing machine is designed to provide workshop quality service onsite, drydock or even while sailing of the vessel. The crankshaft grinding equipment has minimum vibrations, manufactured of titanium alloy which absorbs the vibrations. This facilitates to maintain close tolerances of crankpin and main journal of the crankshaft even while sailing of the vessel.
  • 24/7 global support services are provided for any guidance for operation and maintenance of the onsite crankshaft grinding machine. A training program is designed and arranged onsite covering all the aspects of the operation and maintenance of the machine.
  • Machine is priced low and has the capability to generate high revenue in a short time. The onsite crankshaft grinding machine is supplied complete in all respect and ready to operate with consumables sufficient to repair one crankshaft.
Crankshaft Grinding Machine for Small Diameter
Crankshaft Grinding Machine for Small Diameter
  • RA Power Solutions maintains a large databank of crankshafts of reputed diesel engine manufacturer and their models.

The author is Mr. Raj Shahani, Managing Director of the company. He is having 40 years of experience in grinding of crankshaft, polishing of crankshaft and all services related to repair of engines and supporting equipment. He has designed and developed the portable crankshaft grinding machine to save time and money.

We will be pleased to share more information regarding onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing machine, please email us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com, or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine Ready for Dispatch
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine Ready for Dispatch
Accessories of Onsite Crankshaft Grinding and Polishing Machine
Accessories of Onsite Crankshaft Grinding and Polishing Machine

Crankshaft Grinding | Crankshaft Repair Services

RA Power Solutions undertakes onsite crankshaft grinding and crankshaft repair for the diameter ranging from 30 mm to 700 mm.

The small diameter crankshaft is repaired on site without removing the crankshaft from the block. These services are of great use for the engines which are installed in construction-related equipment, compressors, and diesel-driven equipment operating in remote areas.

Our crankshaft repair services of crankshaft grinding and crankshaft repair are proven as we have been extending these services all over the world for the last forty years.

The main feature of onsite crankshaft grinding, onsite crankshaft repair, crankshaft polishing are as following:

  • RA Power design and manufactures on site crankshaft grinding equipment as per the site requirement and space constraints Hence there is no compromise with the quality after the repair of the crankshaft.
  • All the parameters of the crankshaft grinding are maintained strictly as per the manufacturer’s recommendations and tolerances. An inspection report in detail is submitted to the client.
  • In RA Power Solutions, we give great importance to the calibration of the crankshaft and inspection in detail by experienced technicians which helps us to plan the right strategy and selection of the right equipment for onsite grinding and onsite repair of crankshaft.
  • We possess the latest breed of inspection instruments including the instruments for the NDT test which helps us to find out the exact fault in the crankshaft resulting in successful repairs.
  • Replacement of crankshaft in case of breakdown by new crankshaft or reconditioned crankshaft is our expertise. The crankshaft of an auxiliary engine can also be replaced while sailing the vessel.
Inspection of Crankpin is in Process
Inspection of Crankpin is in Process
Grinding of Crankpin by Crankshaft Grinding Machine is in Process
Grinding of Crankpin by Crankshaft Grinding Machine is in Process

Our services for crankshaft grinding and repair are available 24*7. Technicians can fly down with portable lightweight crankshaft grinding machine in short notice to all over the world as they carry Indian CDC.

We have been regularly working for various models of engines like Wartsila, Daihatsu, MWM, Caterpillar, MaN, MaK, B&W, Sulzer, Bergen, Detroit Diesel, Stork Werkspoor, Pielstick, Deutz, Yanmar, MTU, Cummins, Nohab Polar, Caterpillar, Mitsubishi, Yanmar, MaK 551, MaK 552, MaK 453, MaK 451 AK, MaK 452 AK, Deutz 540, Deutz 358, Deutz 350, Pielstick PC 2.2 PC 2.5, Wartsila 524, Wartsila 824 TS, Sulzer 6 AL 25/30 and many more.

For more details regarding crankshaft grinding please email us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com, or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Crankpin Before Grinding
Crankpin Before Grinding
Crankshaft Grinding Service on Moving Vessel
Crankshaft Grinding Service on Moving Vessel

Crankshaft Repair Services And Tools

Crankshaft repair is required in case of the following abnormalities observed in the crankshaft

  • Development of taper and ovality in crankpin and main journal of the crankshaft in access of tolerances stipulated by the manufacturer.
  • Development of bearing line marks, pitting, and rough surface.
  • Damage of radius profile due to accident or seizure of bearing of crankpin or main journal.
  • Development of crack and variation in hardness of the crankpin and main journal of the crankshaft.
  • Loss of alignment of the crankshaft.

Crankshaft repair is undertaken by RA power solutions of the crankpin and main journal of the crankshaft diameter ranging from 35mm to 700mm. Crankshaft repair is undertaken by experienced technicians who have been specifically trained in our workshop on a dummy crankshaft, the company has experience of more than four decades in crankshaft repair services.

Crankshaft repair
Crankshaft repair
Crankshaft repair machining
Crankshaft repair machining

The on-site grinding equipment designed and manufactured by RA power solutions can maintain a close tolerance after crankshaft grinding within 0.02mm and the surface finish which is far superior to international standards. The crankshaft grinding machine has a main frame manufactured out of titanium steel which makes it lighter and vibration-free during operation. The grinding of the crankshaft is possible even while sailing of the vessel and there is no requirement of holding the vessel at anchor or a port for crankshaft repair.

On-site crankshaft repair

RA Power Solutions is a leading provider of specialized crankshaft repair services and innovative crankshaft repair tools. With a team of highly skilled technicians and engineers, we offer comprehensive solutions for repairing damaged or worn-out crankshafts in various industries. From onsite inspections to comprehensive repairs, we are equipped to handle all aspects of crankshaft maintenance. Our advanced crankshaft repair tools, designed with precision and durability in mind, streamline the process, guaranteeing swift yet reliable service.

All the crankshafts repaired by RA power solutions are guaranteed for a satisfactory performance we have successfully executed more than 10,000 crankshaft repair jobs. The services of crankshaft grinding and crankshaft repair are offered at low cost and our technicians carry CDC of Indian origin, Panama, and Pallav.

Contact numbers for rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com, info@rapowersolutions.com, and +91 9582647131 and +91 9810012383 are available for more information on crankshaft repair services.

Crankshaft Repair | Crankshaft Grinding and Crankshaft Polishing – RA Power Solutions

The concept of onsite repair of crankshaft is getting popular with the introduction of a portable lightweight on-site crankshaft grinding machine. Now it is possible to undertake crankshaft repair, crankshaft grinding and polishing on site without dismantling the crankshaft from the engine.

On-site Crankshaft Repair, Crankshaft Grinding, and Crankshaft Polishing costs low with minimum downtime and inconvenience as it does not require removal of crankshaft from the engine block, packing, and transportation to the designated workshop for repair by grinding or polishing process.

Advantage of trusting RA Power solutions

  • First company based in Asia having experience of four decades in Crankshaft Repair, Crankshaft Grinding and Crankshaft Polishing.
  • All repairs of crankshaft and process followed for grinding of crankshaft and polishing of crankshaft are approved by class agencies of repute like DNV, Lloyds and various inspecting organisations spread all over the world.
  • The repair of crankshaft is executed with a guarantee for the satisfactory performance, the pre and final inspection reports before and after grinding and polishing crankshaft are submitted.
  • Technicians executing the repair of crankshaft onsite are highly skilled, trained in our factory on a dummy crankshaft in order to understand the techniques for successful repair of the crankshaft. Some of our technicians have experience of more than 45 years.
  • The onsite inspection and polishing of crankshaft repair is recommended to enhance the life of crankshaft and bearings.
  • RA power solutions offer and undertake inspection and polishing of crankshaft on board a vessel at a nominal cost.
  • During our working of four decades on diesel power plant, shipping companies we have undertaken Crankshaft Repair, Crankshaft Grinding and Crankshaft Polishing number exceeding more than 10,000.
On-site crankshaft repair
On-site crankshaft repair


RA power solutions has team of technicians with valid CDC from Panama, Palau, and India and can travel all over the world with short notice.

On-Site Crankshaft Grinding
On-Site Crankshaft Grinding
Crankpin grinding and polishing
Crankpin grinding and polishing

For more details regarding crankshaft grinding, on site crankshaft repair, onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing please email us at rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com, or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Turbine, Rotor and Alternator Shaft Grinding and Polishing | Onsite Turbine Shaft Grinding

Failure of bearing due to over load or accident results to development of taper and ovality on turbine, alternator, rotor shaft. In certain cases the deep bearing line marks are developed and bearing surface becomes rough. This needs to be corrected.

RA Power Solutions undertake grinding and polishing of crankshaft, rotor shaft, turbine shaft, alternator from last 4 decades. We are the leaders in extending the grinding and repair services.

The main features of turbine, alternator, rotor shaft grinding and polishing are as following:

  • Initial inspection of turbine, alternator, and rotor shaft is undertaken by experienced technicians. They carry all latest instruments to check dimensions, hardness, surface roughness, crack detection, taper and ovality. It is of great importance that proper inspection by Qualified and Experienced Engineer is conducted.
  • Latest breed of turbine, alternator, rotor shaft grinding and polishing equipment is available with us having capacity up to 700 mm diameter.
  • On site grinding and polishing equipment used by RA Power Solutions is light and compact. Easy to carry to site and can be fitted on the damaged diameter of turbine, alternator and rotor shaft. It is important as minimum disassembly of the parts is required.
Grinding & Repair of Crankshaft After Major Accident
Grinding & Repair of Crankshaft After Major Accident
  • The turbine, alternator, rotor shaft grinding equipment is capable of maintaining close tolerance even up to 20 microns with surface finish of 0.15 Ra value which is far better then the international standard.
  • All the repairs of turbine, alternator, and rotor shaft are executed with guarantee.

RA Power Solutions also manufactures white metal Babbitt bearing up to 1500 mm and rebabbitting of old bearings which get worn out or damage is done.

We have offered Onsite turbine shaft grinding services to many countries, including Bangladesh, Dubai, Singapore, Italy, the United Kingdom, South America, Ecuador, Nigeria, the Philippines, Columbia, the United Arab Emirates, and Qatar, etc.

Contact rajshahani@rapowersolutions.com, or info@rapowersolutions.com, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383 for more details on onsite turbine shaft grinding, on site crankshaft grinding, alternator shaft grinding and polishing.

Grinding of Main Journal on Board a Vessel
Grinding of Main Journal on Board a Vessel
Grinding of RotorShaft
Grinding of RotorShaft