Crankshaft Repair by Portable Grinding and Polishing Machine – RA Power Solutions

RA Power Solutions has four decades of experience undertaking grinding and polishing of crankshaft. We can undertake onsite grinding and polishing of crankshaft from 50 mm to 700 mm. Team of experienced technicians are deputed to the site with lightweight, portable crankshaft grinding machine. The repair of crankshaft is done without removing the crankshaft from the engine block. This saves time and cost involved in disassembly of crankshaft, packing, and transportation of crankshaft to the workshop.

Potable Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Potable Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Crankshaft Grinder
Crankshaft Grinder

Worldwide the repair of Portable Grinding and Polishing Machine crankshaft in workshop is outdated. We depute our technicians all over the world with portable equipments for repair of crankshafts. The repair is executed strictly as per the manufacturer’s specifications and tolerances. The crankshaft repairs are guaranteed for satisfactory performance.

Repair of Crankshaft by Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Repair of Crankshaft by Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Crankpin After Grinding of Crankshaft
Crankpin After Grinding of Crankshaft

The recent introduction of vibration-less portable onsite crankshaft grinding machine facilitates us to execute crankshaft repair while vessel is sailing.

Our technicians have seaman passports and they can board the vessel from one port and disembark from another port. Thus, saving the cost of anchorage or stay at port.

Crankshaft Repair on Board the Vessel
Crankshaft Repair on Board the Vessel
Offshore Grinding of Crankshaft is in Process
Offshore Grinding of Crankshaft is in Process

We also manufacture crankshaft grinders which are priced low and easy to operate. These revolutionary machines are recommended for shipping companies, repair workshop heavy engineering company, etc.

For more information about Portable Grinding and Polishing Machine call us at +91 – 124 – 4378292, +91 9582647131, or email us at,

Portable Crankshaft Grinding and Polishing Machine | On-Site Machining Services – RA Power Solutions

The large bench type crankshaft grinding and polishing machines are outdated and are replaced by light weight, portable onsite grinding and polishing machine. The machine is driven either by pneumatic motor or is electrically operated.

The objective of using pneumatic motor is to make machine compact which can be inserted from the inspection window of the engine block for grinding of crankpin and main journal.

Pneumatic Motor Mounted on Machine
Pneumatic Motor Mounted on Machine

Crankshaft Grinding and Polishing

Portable Crankshaft Grinding and Polishing Machine is light weight and can be carried to the work site by the technicians. It is easy to assemble and operate. Any technician with machine shop experience can easily operate this machine. The crankshaft grinding and polishing machine is capable of maintaining taper, ovality and high surface finish after grinding operation and all the dimensions of crankpin or main journal can be controlled as per the manufacturer’s requirement.

Assembly of Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine
Assembly of Insitu Crankshaft Grinding Machine

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. designs and manufactures the onsite crankshaft grinding and polishing machine as per the customer’s requirement. We have capability of designing and manufacturing the grinding machine up to 700 mm in terms of diameter.

More than 60 crankshaft grinding and polishing machines have been supplied all over the world which are performing satisfactory. The cost of on site machining services is very low.

For more information on portable crankshaft grinding and polishing, on site crankshaft grinding, in situ crankshaft grinding, on site machining services and portable onsite in-situ grinding contact us at email us at, or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.