InSitu Crankshaft Machining and Repair of Yanmar Engine

Yanmar Diesel Generator Model no 8N280L-EV

RA Power Solutions was approached by one of the largest shipping companies based in Athens Greece regarding the breakdown of the Crankshaft of YANMAR Diesel Generator Model no. 8N280L-EV. The vessel was to take a berth at Mundra port India and the stay of the vessel at the port was limited to only 13 hrs.

Action taken by RA Power Solutions for successful repair of Crankshaft of Yanmar Diesel Generator Model no. 8N280L-EV.

  • As mentioned above we were given only 13 hrs of time at Mundra Port India to inspect the crankshaft and execute the repair. In this situation, we decided to depute a team of three technicians onboard the vessel instead of two technicians which is our normal practice. 
  • After boarding the vessel and Insitu Crankshaft Machining, a detailed inspection of crankpin no. 4 which got damaged was conducted.

Following are the main observation:

  • The diameter of crankpin no 4 was checked and the following dimensions were observed:
    • Minimum diameter observed    – 224.15 mm
    • Maximum diameter observed   – 225.00 mm

 The above shows the ovality of 0.85 mm.

  • The deep scoring marks on crankpin were observed as bearing got seized.
  • The crankpin no. 4 was subject to hardness check and was found within limits except on few scattered points where it was observed in the range of 500 HB.
  • The crankpin was subject to crack detection by high intensity magnaflux torch and no cracks or abnormally was observed. 
  • Due to the seizure of the crankpin bearing the radius fillet of both the sides was badly damaged. 

Successful Repair of Crankshaft of Yanmar Diesel Generator Model no. 8N280L-EV in a short time of 13 hrs undertaken by RAP Engineers

  • Our technicians worked non stop and were able to successfully repair the crankpin no. 4 by under sizing and grinding it to 1.0 mm.
  • After grinding & polishing following minimum & maximum crank pin diameter was maintained:
    • Minimum diameter observed    – 223.98 mm
    • Maximum diameter observed   – 224.00 mm
  • The above reading shows the crankpin was undersized by 1.0 mm from 225.00 mm to 224.00 mm thus maintaining the ovality of only 0.02 mm which is far superior than the tolerance stipulated in the manufacturer’s manual. 
  • The formation of radius fillet at both ends was a big challenge as it was badly damaged and time available was limited. The radius fillet was also repaired successfully. 
  • The 1.0 m undersize crank pin bearing was available onboard the vessel. 
  • RA Power Solutions technicians also helped the ship technical staff in calibration of connecting rod, measurement of big end bearing, and other areas.
  • It is normal for RA Power Solutions to take such challenging jobs where the damage to the crankshaft due to an accident is very serious and the time available is short.   
  • We have a team of technicians who are experienced to take on such challenging assignments. The availability of most modern onsite crankshaft grinding machine with RA Power Solutions also helps us to expedite the job and finish it in the minimum possible time.
    • We use high capacity, lightweight, and compact Pneumatic Turbine to execute the repairs
Damaged Crank Pin no. 4 of Yanmar Diesel Generator Model no. 8N280L-EV
Damaged Crank Pin no. 4 of Yanmar Diesel Generator Model no. 8N280L-EV
Crack Detection of Crankpin by High  Intensity Magnaflux torch
Crack Detection of Crankpin by High-Intensity Magnaflux torch
Checking of crack detection of Crankpin
Checking of crack detection of Crankpin
Crankpin of Yanmar Diesel Generator  after grinding and repair of radius fillet
Crankpin of Yanmar Diesel Generator after grinding and repair of radius fillet

For more details on the Insitu Crankshaft Machining, crankpin grinding machine email us at,, or Call at +91 9582647131,+91 9810012383.

Crankshaft Journal Machining of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV | YANMAR Engine Repair

We were approached by a company based in Greece reporting the failure of a crankshaft of auxiliary engine on one of their vessels operating in the Gulf.

It was reported that the accident resulted in the failure of the bearing of crankpin no. 1, 3, and 6.


S. NO Crankshaft Details  
1 Engine Make YANMAR
2 Engine Model 6N18AL-DV
3 Crankpin Diameter Standard 145 mm
4 Crankpin Bearing Width 65 mm
5   Name of Vessel MV GULF Traders

Our team of two technicians boarded the vessel in short notice and requested the chief engineer to open the connecting rod of all six crankpins.


STANDARD DIMENSION: 145.00 mm      

STANDARD /SPECIFIED NO                                                                

                                                                   SIZE OF CR PINS

  A Aa C Cc B Bb Min Max Remarks
CR-1 144.66 144.83 144.77 144.82 144.69 144.82 144.66 144.83 Ovality – 0.17 MM
CR-2 144.64 144.77 144.79 144.81 144.65 144.73 144.64 144.81 Ovality – 0.17 MM
CR-3 144.69 144.76 144.76 144.83 144.64 144.81 144.64 144.83 Ovality – 0.19 MM
CR-4 144.61 144.74 144.74 144.79 144.68 144.75 144.61 144.79 Ovality – 0.18 MM
CR-5 144.66 144.81 144.77 144.84 144.71 144.73 144.66 144.84 Ovality – 0.18 MM
CR-6 144.67 144.85 144.78 144.80 144.72 144.77 144.67 144.85 Ovality – 0.18 MM
  • On going through the above dimensions, it was noticed all 6 crank pins had ovality between 0.17 mm to 0.18 mm and were considerable down in comparison to standard diameter of 145.00 mm.
  • The hardness of crank pins was checked with a portable hardness tester and was observed within limits.
  • The MPI was conducted by our level 2  qualified technician.
  • Multiple hairline cracks were observed on crank pin no.4 having a length ranging from 6 mm to 25 mm.


  • Considering the ovality , multiple cracks on crank pin nos 4 and rough surface observed of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV.
  • All the six crankpins except crankpin no. 4 were undersized to 0.80 mm. The crank pin no. 4 has to be undersized by 1.20 mm due to the presence of cracks.


STANDARD DIMENSION: 145.00 mm      

STANDARD /SPECIFIED NO                                                                

                                                                   SIZE OF CR PINS

  A Aa C Cc B Bb Min Max Remarks
CR-1 144.19 144.20 144.18 144.18 144.19 144.20 144.18 144.20 Ovality – 0.02 MM
CR-2 144.20 144.19 144.19 144.18 144.20 144.19 144.18 144.20 Ovality – 0.02 MM
CR-3 144.20 144.18 144.19 144.19 144.20 144.18 144.18 144.20 Ovality – 0.02 MM
CR-4 143.80 143.80 143.79 143.78 143.80 143.79 143.78 143.80 Ovality – 0.02 MM
CR-5 144.20 144.20 144.19 144.18 144.20 144.19 144.18 144.20 Ovality – 0.02 MM
CR-6 144.20 144.19 144.18 144.18 144.20 144.20 144.18 144.20 Ovality – 0.02 MM


  • The 0.80 mm and 1.20 mm under-size bearings were supplied by RA Power Solutions in a very short time and engine was put back into operation.
  • We maintain a large stock of spare parts of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV or arrange through our principals on short notice.


The crankpin having a diameter of 145 mm and a bearing length of only 65 mm was successfully repaired by us because of the fact, we have a dedicated crankshaft grinding machine which can undertake the grinding of crank pin having a small diameters and bearing widths.

Most of the companies based in Europe and other countries do not have the equipment which can on-site grind the crank pin and main journal diameter having a small diameter and bearing width. They advise clients to open the crankshaft from engine and send it to the workshop for repairs.

We extend our services all over the world at a very low price.

Crankshaft Machining of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV on vessel
Crankshaft Machining of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV on vessel
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV
Onsite Crankshaft Grinding of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV

  Insitu Crankshaft Pin journal Repair of  YANMAR 6N18AL-DV
Insitu Crankshaft Pin journal Repair of YANMAR 6N18AL-DV
Crankshaft after Grinding and Polishing
Crankshaft after Grinding and Polishing

MAK , B&W , Sulzer , Bergen , Detroit Diesel ,Stork Werkspoor , Pielstick , Deutz , Yanmar , MTU , Cummins , Nohab Polar , Caterpillar , Mitsubishi , Yanmar , MAK and many more.

We have been regularly executing the repairs in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Cambodia, China, Cyprus, Georgia, Indonesia, Iran, Iraq, Israel, Japan, Jordan, Kazakhstan, Kuwait, Kyrgyzstan, etc.

This blog is written by Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of RA Power Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.).
Mr. Shahani is a highly experienced business leader with rich experience of more than 40 years in the field of Power, Heavy and Shipping industries. He is Technical Adviser to many shipping and heavy industries across the globe.

Mr. Shahani is one of the most enthusiastic professional and he has all the brilliance of an exemplary leader. Mr. Shahani is an extremely effective coach and mentor of teams and is adept at providing leadership in a global, cross-cultural environment.

For more information on crankshaft repair, crankpin repair, and yanmar engine repair contact us at or or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.