MAN Diesel Engine Maintenance & Repair Services

MAN Diesel Engine 9L28-32

RA Power Solutions was approached by a company based in Dubai regarding a problem in crankshaft faced in MAN Diesel Generating set model no. 9L28/32.

The make, model of Engine, and crankshaft details are given below:

 S. NO Crankshaft Details  
1.Engine Make  MAN B&W
2.Engine Model 9L28/32
3.Crank pin Diameter Standard 230 mm
4.Crankpin Bearing Width 98 mm
5.Place of execution of crankshaft repair  Sailing from Port of Jebel Ali Dubai to JNPT port India(Mumbai)

Repair of MAN Engine Model no. 9L28/32 Diesel Generating set Crankshaft

RA Power Solutions deputed two technicians along with an onsite crankshaft grinding machine and technicians boarded the vessel at port of Jebel Ali Dubai. On conducting the inspection following are the main observations of the crankshaft of MAN Engine Model no. 9L28/32 diesel Generating sets.

  • It was observed that the crankpin no. 3 of the AE#02 was damaged. The Bearing material was embedded on the crank pin diameter. After removal of the white metal from the crankpin, the dimension inspection was done and the following was observed:
    • Minimum crankpin diameter observed:  229.44 mm
    • Maximum crankpin diameter observed:  229.83 mm
  • The above readings were observed against the standard diameter of 230.00 mm.
  • The radius fillet and lubricating oil hole profiles were found acceptable with no damage.
  • Deep Bearings line marks were observed on the remaining 8 numbers of crankpins. 
  • All the crankpins were subject to hardness test and crack check by MPI method and no abnormality was observed.
  • All other parameters were observed within limits.  

Successful Crankshaft Repair of MAN Engine Model no. 9L28/32

  • The grinding of crankpin no. 3 was initially undertaken to the undersize of 1.0 mm maintaining the crankpin diameter of 229.00 mm. Since the Bearing line marks were still visible it was decided to grind further. The final size maintained after grinding and polishing was 228.50 mm which is 1.5 mm undersize. 
  • Considering the rough surface finish and bearing line marks all the remaining crankpins were polished while using the state of art crankshaft grinding & polishing machine using the latest polishing media. 
  • The surface finish of less than 0.20 RA value was maintained. 
  • The ship had the 1.5 mm undersize bearing available which was assembled and the engine was put on load.

RA Power Solutions having more than 41 years of experience in extending crankshaft grinding, metal stitching, rebabbitting of bearing, and all the services related to engine repair. We undertake onsite grinding of crankshaft up to 700 mm diameter. 

The main feature of our crankshaft grinding machine is that the grinding & polishing of the crankshaft can be undertaken even while sailing of the vessel. There is no requirement of holding the vessel at the port or at Anchorage.

Hardness checking of crankpin
Hardness checking of crankpin
Crack Check of MAN Engine Model no. 9L28/32
Crack Check of MAN Engine Model no. 9L28/32
Grinding of Crankpin
Grinding of Crankpin
Crankpin after successful repair
Crankpin after successful repair
Crankpin after polishing
Crankpin after polishing
Crankpin after grinding & polishing
Crankpin after grinding & polishing

For more details regarding crankshaft grinding, rebabbitting of bearing, and engine block repair, please email us at, or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Repair of MAN B&W Model 5L 16-24 by Using Onsite Crankshaft Grinding Machine

MAN Engine Model no. 5L 16/24 is a very common installation on vessels and the engine is used as Generator. The Crank Pin diameter of MAN Engine Model no. 5L 16/24 is only 130mm and the bearing width is 56 mm. In other words, it is about 2 inches 

This makes the onsite crankshaft repair very difficult due to limited space in between the two webs. Most onsite crankshaft repair companies based in Europe don’t have the equipment and the technology to undertake grinding/ repair of crankpin of MAN Engine Model no 5L 16/24. The repair companies always suggest to remove it from the engine block and send it to workshop for crank pin grinding or reject the crankshaft.

We successfully executed the repair of the crankshaft of MAN Engine Model no. 5L 16/24. Details are as mentioned below:

S. NO Crankshaft Details 
1Engine Make MAN B&W
2Engine Model 5L 16/24
3Crank pin Diameter Standard 130 mm
4Crankpin Bearing Width 56 mm
5Place of execution of crankshaft repair Port of Castellon Spain

Details of Crankshaft repair job executed by RA Power Solutions technicians at a port of Castellon Spain.

  • The damaged crankpin was checked for taper & ovality and it was observed 0.49 mm.  
  • Deep bearing line marks were observed. 
  • All other parameters like hardness and crack detection by MPI were checked and no abnormality was found. 
  • The crankpin was ground to an undersize of 1.0mm.           
Damage of crankpin
Damage of crankpin
Radius fillet damaged
Radius fillet damaged

Supply of Undersize Bearing for MAN Engine Model No. 5L 16/24

It is obvious that whenever grinding is undertaken there is requirement of undersize bearing. In this case of MAN Engine Model no. 5L 16/24, RA Power Solutions arranged and supplied 1.0 mm undersize crankpin bearing to the client.

We maintain a large stock of standard & undersize bearings of crankpin & main journal of popular make & model of engines like Yanmar, Daihatsu, MAK and MAN B&W, etc. 

The Engine was commissioned in presence of our technicians and performance was found to be satisfactory. 

Hardness check of crankpin MAN B&W Model 5L 16/24
Hardness check of crankpin MAN B&W Model 5L 16/24
Engine of CME-MAN B&W 5L 16/24 Crankpin grinding
Engine of CME-MAN B&W 5L 16/24 Crankpin grinding
Crack detection by MPI
Crack detection by MPI
MAN B&W 5L 16/24 Crankpin under grinding progress
MAN B&W 5L 16/24 Crankpin under grinding progress
Crankpin after successful repair
Crankpin after successful repair
Crankpin after grinding & polishing
Crankpin after grinding & polishing

For more details on the crank pin grinding machine please email us at, or, Call at +91 9582647131,+91 9810012383.

InSitu Crankshaft Machining and Repair of Yanmar Engine

Yanmar Diesel Generator Model no 8N280L-EV

RA Power Solutions was approached by one of the largest shipping companies based in Athens Greece regarding the breakdown of the Crankshaft of YANMAR Diesel Generator Model no. 8N280L-EV. The vessel was to take a berth at Mundra port India and the stay of the vessel at the port was limited to only 13 hrs.

Action taken by RA Power Solutions for successful repair of Crankshaft of Yanmar Diesel Generator Model no. 8N280L-EV.

  • As mentioned above we were given only 13 hrs of time at Mundra Port India to inspect the crankshaft and execute the repair. In this situation, we decided to depute a team of three technicians onboard the vessel instead of two technicians which is our normal practice. 
  • After boarding the vessel and Insitu Crankshaft Machining, a detailed inspection of crankpin no. 4 which got damaged was conducted.

Following are the main observation:

  • The diameter of crankpin no 4 was checked and the following dimensions were observed:
    • Minimum diameter observed    – 224.15 mm
    • Maximum diameter observed   – 225.00 mm

 The above shows the ovality of 0.85 mm.

  • The deep scoring marks on crankpin were observed as bearing got seized.
  • The crankpin no. 4 was subject to hardness check and was found within limits except on few scattered points where it was observed in the range of 500 HB.
  • The crankpin was subject to crack detection by high intensity magnaflux torch and no cracks or abnormally was observed. 
  • Due to the seizure of the crankpin bearing the radius fillet of both the sides was badly damaged. 

Successful Repair of Crankshaft of Yanmar Diesel Generator Model no. 8N280L-EV in a short time of 13 hrs undertaken by RAP Engineers

  • Our technicians worked non stop and were able to successfully repair the crankpin no. 4 by under sizing and grinding it to 1.0 mm.
  • After grinding & polishing following minimum & maximum crank pin diameter was maintained:
    • Minimum diameter observed    – 223.98 mm
    • Maximum diameter observed   – 224.00 mm
  • The above reading shows the crankpin was undersized by 1.0 mm from 225.00 mm to 224.00 mm thus maintaining the ovality of only 0.02 mm which is far superior than the tolerance stipulated in the manufacturer’s manual. 
  • The formation of radius fillet at both ends was a big challenge as it was badly damaged and time available was limited. The radius fillet was also repaired successfully. 
  • The 1.0 m undersize crank pin bearing was available onboard the vessel. 
  • RA Power Solutions technicians also helped the ship technical staff in calibration of connecting rod, measurement of big end bearing, and other areas.
  • It is normal for RA Power Solutions to take such challenging jobs where the damage to the crankshaft due to an accident is very serious and the time available is short.   
  • We have a team of technicians who are experienced to take on such challenging assignments. The availability of most modern onsite crankshaft grinding machine with RA Power Solutions also helps us to expedite the job and finish it in the minimum possible time.
    • We use high capacity, lightweight, and compact Pneumatic Turbine to execute the repairs
Damaged Crank Pin no. 4 of Yanmar Diesel Generator Model no. 8N280L-EV
Damaged Crank Pin no. 4 of Yanmar Diesel Generator Model no. 8N280L-EV
Crack Detection of Crankpin by High  Intensity Magnaflux torch
Crack Detection of Crankpin by High-Intensity Magnaflux torch
Checking of crack detection of Crankpin
Checking of crack detection of Crankpin
Crankpin of Yanmar Diesel Generator  after grinding and repair of radius fillet
Crankpin of Yanmar Diesel Generator after grinding and repair of radius fillet

For more details on the Insitu Crankshaft Machining, crankpin grinding machine email us at,, or Call at +91 9582647131,+91 9810012383.

Wartsila VASA 12V32 LN Crankshaft Repair

RA Power Solutions was approached by a leading Cement manufacturing Plant based in Nepal regarding the failure of their Crankshaft of Wartsila Diesel Generator model no. WARTSILA VASA 12V32 LN.

The Cement Plant in Nepal is having multiple numbers of Wartsila diesel generating sets model VASA 12V32 LN, Wartsila 18 V 32, and Wartsila 12 V32. The one number crankpin got damaged due to seizure of the bearing of Wartsila Diesel generating set  Vasa 12 V32 LN.

Wartsila Diesel Generator Crankshaft  main Observations: 

  • On inspection of all the crankpins visually the Bearing of crankpin no. 3 was observed damaged and bearing material was found in the oil sump. 
  • On removal of connecting Rods from crank pin no 3. A & B bank, it was found that the bearing was badly struck to the crankpin diameter and it was a case of bearing failure. 
  • The Bearing was removed from the crankpin and on visual inspection, it was observed that bearing material was embedded on the crankpin. The radius fillet of both sides of the crankpin was found damaged and the profile of the radius fillet was distorted. 
  • After cleaning and little polishing of crankpin to remove the bearing material the crack detection test by MPI method was undertaken. No crack was observed.
  • The hardness was also checked and it was observed in the range of 600 HB in a scattered formation which is considered to be on the higher side.  
  • The crankpin was subject to dimensional inspection and the following dimensions were observed.
    • Minimum diameter observed-   269.02 mm
    • Maximum diameter observed-  270.00 mm

Against the standard diameter of 270 mm, the ovality of 0.98 mm was observed which is considered to be very much on a higher side. 

Installation of onsite crankshaft Grinding machine on Wartsila Crankpin
Installation of onsite crankshaft Grinding machine on Wartsila Crankpin
Surface finish test crankpin of Wartsila 12V32 LN Crankshaft
Installation of onsite crankshaft Grinding machine on Wartsila Crankpin

Achievement by RA Power Solutions in successful Repair of Wartsila Crankshaft 12V32 LN:

The successful repair of damaged crank pin no. 3 of Wartsila Crankshaft 12V32 in a short time of 79 hrs is an achievement, the grinding of crankpin was undertaken nonstop on 24 hours basis by a team of three technicians of RA Power Solutions.

RA Power technicians have undertaken the grinding of crankpin having a standard diameter of  270 mm.  Due to serious damage of crankpin, it is to be undersized by 2.0 mm.

The Wartsila Diesel Generator set has been assembled and is in operation.

We have been regularly undertaking crankshaft repair of Wartsila Diesel engine Model No. 12V32, Wartsila 46, Wartsila 43, Wartsila 12V26, Wartsila 12V20 and can undertake grinding of crankshafts up to 700 mm diameter. 

Grinding of Wartsila 12V32 LN Crankpin
Grinding of Wartsila 12V32 LN Crankpin
Crankpin of Wartsila 12V32 LN Crankshaft after grinding & polishing
Crankpin of Wartsila 12V32 LN Crankshaft after grinding & polishing

For more details of the crank pin grinding machine, wartsila crankshaft repair, and wartsila diesel generator crankshaft email us on,, call at +91 9582647131,+91 9810012383.

Bearings for Engine, Compressor, and all applications

Engine bearings are mainly of two types Bi-metal or Tri-metal Bearings and their performance on diesel engine, compressor & rotatory equipment has been more than satisfactory.

Most of the auxiliary engines and main engines installed on vessels and diesel power plants have thin shell tri-metal type bearings.

RA Power Solutions undertakes the in situ repair of crankshaft of all popular make & model of engine, compressor & rotatory equipment. We supply standard & undersize crankpin bearings/ main journal bearings.

Availability of undersize & special size of Bearing with RA Power Solutions

Most of the time it is difficult to arrange for undersize bearing for crankpin and main journal of diesel engine by a client.

One of the reasons is the manufacturing of a particular model has been discontinued by the engine manufacturer, parts including the crankpin bearing & main journal bearing are not available. RA Power Solutions plays a very important role and can supply the bearings in a short time as we maintain a large stock of bearings.

Yanmar Engine crankpin & main journal bearing
Yanmar Engine crankpin & main journal bearing
Tri metal Bearing for crank pin/main journal ready for dispatch
Tri metal Bearing for crank pin/main journal ready for dispatch

Following is a list of crankpin and main journal bearings which are available in our stock:


  • MAN B&W



RTA38 (T/TB). 48(T/TB). 52 (U). RTA62 (U). RTA72 (U). RTA76. RTA84 (M/C) RLA (B) 56 / 66/ 76/ 90
RND68 (M) 76(M) 90(M)


AH- DH-38SS.51SS
DM-28FD.30.46.51SS K-28.31


UEC- 37/88.37H-IIB.45HA.45/115H.52HA.52/105E.52/125H UET- 45/75C.45/80D.52/90C(D)


EL- ELS- 35.44
LH- 28G
LU- 24G.26G.28.28G. LUD-32.32G.35
LUN- 28.28AG.28ARG
LUS- 24.28G. LF-



L23/30, L23/30K, L23/30A, L23/30AK, L23/30H, L23/30HE
L16/24, L20/27, L21/31, L27/38, L32/40 L28/32, L28/32V, L28/32A
L28/32H, S28/LH-4E, V28/32A V20/27, V28/32H, V32/40


(B) H21/32, H25/33


EY18.EY22.EY26 N330. N18. N21. NY16
S165L-(U.E)T. S185L-(D.S.U)T


DC-16A. DC-17A. DC-32 DK(B)-
DS(B)-18.18A.19A // VS(HT-B.C)-26D
DS(B.M)-22.26.26A.28.32. DSD-22. DV-22.26. PKTB-14.16.PKTD-16
PL-24.26. PS(HT-B.C)- 22.PS(HT-B.C.D)-18D.20D.22D.26D.26E.26H.30D


L-123AHS.16HS.16S.16X.16XB.16XC.18CX.19HX.20AX.25BX.28EX.31EZ.40X M(G),8MG25BX -16XA.18CX.20AX.20CX.22LX.24GT.25BX.25CX.25CV 26AFTE.26KGHS.28AFT.28AFTE.25BX.28KGHS.28X
31EZ.31X.34AFTE.37X.40X & V- 32CLX


DH-2C, S12TA2, 6PTK, S16N, 4G-30,S6B, 10DM-20TR,

  • SKL

NVD-24, 20/24, VD26/20AL, NVD-26.2, NVD 36.1


614TS, 414 TS, 624TS, 12V32LN, 18V32, 6R32


S-37E, BCS-12D,FBC, F12 BC,VBC-12F




OMD 1401, VM 536, MAH 514, 714, 914, MAH 516, 716, 916,FIL 612, FL 514, FL 714, FL – 413, FL – 913, VTYPE,FM 417, FL-712, FL, 912, FL – 413 R, FL – 413, FL 712, FL 812, FL 411, BF H 716, BF L 1/14, FL 514F, BF H-716, M716, 358 M, 428, 8M 517, A12M, BF 16M, A M 528, V-10, HD 10

  • B&W(MAN)

4T/23HH, 70/23LH, 26 MTBH-40, MAN 28/32H






S160, S170, S275, S380, 6-38A6S, 608-KVA, 6S-350-850 KVA, 10/15, 275, 340 KVA


40-48 JAGODA ENG, 5AL25/30, BAH-22, 6/AL-25/30

MAN B&W engine crankpin & main journal bearing undersize
MAN B&W engine crankpin & main journal bearing undersize
CKD Skoda Bearing
CKD Skoda Bearing

For more queries regarding rebabbitting of bearing, white metal bearing manufacturer, engine bearing manufacturer. Contact us at or or call us at +91 9582647131, +91 9810012383.

Repair of Daihatsu 5Dk-20 Engine Crankshaft in Visakhapatnam

RA Power Solutions was approached by a leading shipping company regarding the problem faced by them in the crankshaft of Daihatsu 5DK-20 Auxiliary Engine.

The vessel was visiting Visakhapatnam port India and it was decided to undertake the repair of the damaged crankshaft in Visakhapatnam port.

RA Power Solutions technicians undertook the grinding of four numbers of crankpins having a standard diameter of 170 mm. Due to serious damage to the crankpin, we have to undertake the grinding of two crankpins to the undersize of 0.5 mm, and on balance two crankpins were undersized by 1.0 mm. The job of crankpin repair of Daihatsu 5DK 20 Auxilary engine was undertaken in 76 hours without holding a vessel.

Damage of crankpin of Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20
Damage of crankpin of Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20
Deep Bearing line marks on crank pin of Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20
Deep Bearing line marks on crank pin of Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20
Crack detection by MPI of Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20 crankshaft
Crack detection by MPI of Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20 crankshaft
Crack detection of crankpin Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20 by MPI
Crack detection of crankpin Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20 by MPI
Damaged crank pin of Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20
Damaged crank pin of Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20
Grinding of Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20 under progress
Grinding of Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20 under progress

Supply of undersized bearing of Daihatsu 5DK-20 Engine crankshaft

We have supplied the undersize bearing of the crankpin to the client and the engine is performing satisfactory.

Crankpin of Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20 after Polishing
Crankpin of Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20 after Polishing
Crankpin of Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20 after grinding
Crankpin of Daihatsu Engine 5DK-20 after grinding

For more details of the crankpin grinding machine, crankpin polishing of daihatsu engine, daihatsu 5Dk-20 engine repair, bearing of Daihatsu 5DK-20 Engine crankshaft, or crankshaft grinding and repair email us at,, Call at +91 9582647131,+91 9810012383.

CKD Skoda Diesel Engine Spare Parts

RA Power Solutions is the leader in the supply of spare parts for all models of CKD Skoda Diesel Generating sets
Since the closure of the CKD Skoda plant in the Czech Republic. RA Power Solutions is playing an important role in the supply of original spare parts all over the world by procuring them from the OEM.

The major parts supplied  by us are as following:

  • Connecting Rod
  • Piston
  • Cylinder Liner
  • Bearing
  • Gasket
  • Piston Ring

For details of model of CKD Skoda Diesel Generating sets for which we can supply the spare parts, please visit our following link:

For more information about Skoda Diesel Generating Set Spare Parts

Inspection of CKD Skoda Diesel Engine parts 

We have been extending services for repair of diesel engine major components for the last 41 years. We have a team of Engineers and latest instruments in our factory for the inspection of spare parts. Every part of CKD Skoda Diesel Generating set is inspected by our experienced technicians before the dispatch.  

We ensure the quality of parts and satisfactory performance.

Availability of critical parts of CKD Skoda Diesel Generating sets

The CKD Skoda generating spare parts which are not in manufacturing we remove them from the second-hand engine which are no more operation. The used parts are bought to our factory and calibrated. In case they require reconditioning it is undertaken in house.
We stand a guarantee for the satisfactory performance of reconditioned parts.

Photograph of Piston ready for Export for CKD Skoda Engine type 9TS 35/50-2 1450 KVA
Photograph of Piston ready for Export for CKD Skoda Engine type 9TS 35/50-2 1450 KVA
Photograph of Connecting Rod Head for CKD Skoda Engine type 9TS 35/50-2 1450 KVA
Photograph of Connecting Rod Head for CKD Skoda Engine type 9TS 35/50-2 1450 KVA

We supply spare parts in countries like UAE, Germany, Monaco, Qatar, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Italy, Dubai, Greece, Maldives, Malaysia, Singapore, Madagascar, Nigeria, South America, Spain, Czech Republic, UK,  Philippines, etc.

This blog is written by Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of RA Power Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.).

Mr. Shahani is a highly experienced business leader with rich experience of more than 40 years in the field of Power, Heavy, and Shipping industry. He is Technical Advisor to many shipping and heavy industries across the globe.

Mr. Shahani is one of the most enthusiastic professional and he has all the brilliance’s of an exemplary leader. Mr. Shahani is an extremely effective coach and mentor of teams and is adept at providing leadership in a global, cross-cultural environment.

For more information, diesel engine spare parts, and CKD Skoda Spare Parts contact us on or or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383

Photograph of Connecting Rod Head for CKD Skoda Engine type 9TS 35/50-2 1450 KVA
Connecting Rod Head under cleaning ready for dispatch
Photograph of Connecting Rod Head for CKD Skoda Engine type 9TS 35/50-2 1450 KVA
Photograph of Connecting Rod Head for CKD Skoda Engine type 9TS 35/50-2 1450 KVA

KAWASAKI Pump Spare Parts | Spare Parts of KAWASAKI Pump

RA Power Solutions are leaders in supplying Spare parts and providing services like grinding of crankshaft, crankpin repair, engine block repair, engine overhauling, etc. Our experienced team is always available to provide services as per the client’s expectations. We have a large stock of KAWASAKI pump spare parts.

Spare parts of KAWASAKI pump

RA Power Solutions is a prominent engineering company with successful track record of four decades providing services around the globe. We are famous for the best quality and fast delivery for power plants, maritime, oil and gas sector, etc. We can provide services around the world on land and sea.


DH225LC-9, DH280, DX255, EX200-2/3, HD1045, HD2045, K3V112, K3V112DT, K3V140, K3V140DT, K3V180, K3V180DT, K5V140DTP, R210-7, R215-9, R220-9, R225-7, R250-5, R250-9, R320LC-3/7, R335 -7/9, S200W-5, S280-3, S290LC-V, SK210-3

This blog is written by Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of RA Power Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.).

Mr. Shahani is a highly experienced business leader with rich experience of more than 40 years in the field of Power, Heavy, and Shipping industry. He is Technical Adviser to many shipping and heavy industries across the globe.

For more information, KAWASAKI pump spare parts, Diesel Engine Spare Parts, in situ crankshaft machining, engine block repair, SASAKURA Pump Spare Parts, and crankshaft grinding repair contact us at,, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Tri metal Bearing | Crank pin Bearing | Engine Tri Metal Bearing

We are the leading manufacturer and supplier of Tri metal bearing, Engine tri metal bearing, crank pin bearing, main journal bearing and Bi metal Bearing, and Engine bearing for all types of Rotating equipment.

The Bi metal Bearings up to 1500 mm diameter are manufactured by centrifugal process and Tri metal bearings are sourced from our Principles based in UK, Germany, and Japan.

Our specialization in Tri Metal Bearing for crank pin/ main journal of marine engine

RA Power is engaged in extending on site crankshaft repair services all over the world for the last more than 41 years.

It is obvious that whenever the grinding of the crank pin & main journal of the diesel engine or compressor crankshaft is undertaken there is a requirement for under size crank pin and main journal bearing.

It is generally observed that in most cases it is difficult to source under-size bearings from the manufacturer of the engine and compressors as they are not available in the stock. The problem arises when there is a requirement for a special size undersize of the bearing.

We have also observed that in the case of an engine make & model which is more than 15 years old it is rather impossible to source the bearing from the manufacturer of the engine as that particular model is discontinued by the manufacturer.

The ship owners or the customers having old models of engines face this problem of nonavailability of crank pin and main journal bearing.

RA Power Solutions plays an important role in arranging the special & under-size bearing according to the dimensions of the crank pin and main journal obtained after grinding. 

Development & manufacturing of Tri metal & Bi metal Bearing for crankpin and main journal of the crankshaft  

We specialize in the development and manufacturing of under-size-bearing of old and absolute models of engine production which is discontinued by the engine manufacturer.

We manufacture the bearings as per the drawing & technical data available with us or alternatively Tri metal bearings are manufactured by us as per the sample provided by the client.

Our acceptance of a small quantity of undersize and special size bearing of crank pin and the main journal is of great assistance to our client.

We manufacture & supply bearings for all makes & models of marine engines & auxiliary engines which include the following:

Yanmar Engine crankpin & main journal bearing
CKD Skoda Bearing

Daihatsu crankpin & main journal bearing
MAN B&W engine crankpin & main journal bearing undersize

This blog is written by Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of RA Power Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.).

Mr. Shahani is a highly experienced business leader with experience of more than 40 years in the field of Power, Heavy, and Shipping industry. He is Technical Adviser to many shipping and heavy industries across the globe.

For more information on bearing manufacturing company, white metal bearing alloy ingot, or Engine bearing contact us at or or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

SASAKURA Pump Spare Parts | Spare Parts of SASAKURA Pump | RA Power Solutions

We are the suppliers of SASAKURA pump spare parts and the spare parts supplied by us are performing satisfactorily all over the world. We at RA power solutions have experienced that there are cases where ship owners are not able to arrange SASAKURA pump spare parts from the manufacturers. We deal in Spare parts of SASAKURA pump and extend repair services for many years. RA Power Solutions is always ready to solve your problem or for providing technical guidance on spare parts, repair, etc.


  • Fast Delivery
  • 24/7 Available
  • Satisfactory performances
  • Affordable prices
  • Best quality used
  • Highly Experienced team
  • Serving the international market
  • ISO 9001:2015 certified company

We will be pleased to share the case studies and blogs on the repair of crankshaft and on SASAKURA pump spare parts provided by us in the last 41 years.


KM-30, KM-350, KM-25, KS-30, AFGU-3, AFGU-4, JAFGU-5, AFGU-6, AFGU-8

We supply spare parts in countries like UAE, Germany, Monaco, Qatar, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Italy, Dubai, Greece, Maldives, Malaysia, Singapore, Madagascar, Nigeria, South America, Spain, Czech Republic, UK, Philippines, etc.

This blog is written by Mr. Raj Shahani (Managing Director of RA Power Solutions India Pvt. Ltd.).

Mr. Shahani is a highly experienced business leader with rich experience of more than 40 years in the field of Power, Heavy, and Shipping industry. He is Technical Advisor to many shipping and heavy industries across the globe.

Mr. Shahani is one of the most enthusiastic professional and he has all the brilliance’s of an exemplary leader. Mr. Shahani is an extremely effective coach and mentor of teams and is adept at providing leadership in a global, cross-cultural environment.

For more information on spare parts of SHINSHIN pump, and SHINKOKINZOK pump spare parts contact us at or or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.