Broken Engine Block Repair | Damaged Engine Bedplate Repairs | Metal Stitching

The repair of broken engine block, turbocharger casing, and heavy cast iron parts can be successfully repaired by metal stitching, metal locking, and metal surgery process.

The repair of crack and repair of damaged casting by welding process is now completely outdated and is not recommended for repair of damaged cast metal and cast iron parts. In fact, it is observed that in certain cases repair by welding results in more serious damage due to the generation of heat and stress during the process of welding. RA Power Solutions have been undertaking repairs of damaged engine block, steel components repair, cast iron repairs, and all types of cast components by metal stitching and metal locking process for the last four decades.

Metal Stitching & Metal Locking of Suction Bell Mouth of CW Pump Repairing
Metal Stitching & Metal Locking of Suction Bell Mouth of CW Pump Repairing
Broken Suction Bell Mouth of CW Pump
Broken Suction Bell Mouth of CW Pump

We have a separate and dedicated team of technicians who have the capability to undertake the onsite repair of crack and damage casting by using portable tools and high-quality consumables (locks and keys ) which are imported by us from the UK.

Broken Area of Engine Block
Broken Area of Engine Block
Engine Block After Metal Stitching and Metal Locking
Engine Block After Metal Stitching and Metal Locking

Advantages of crack repair and damage casting, cast iron repair by metal stitching, and metal locking process:

  • It is possible to undertake crack repair and repair of damage casting by metal stitching and metal locking process onsite. Hence there is no requirement of transporting the cracked or damaged components to the workshop.
  • In most cases, there is no requirement for the disassembly of equipment.
  • We possess portable tools to execute the repairs on-site.
  • The time duration for the repair of crack and damaged cast components by metal lock and metal stitching is low.
  • Metal Stitching and Metal Locking is a permanent crack repair method as no heat is generated which is associated with welding.
  • The crack and damaged area after repair by metal locking and metal stitching process is restored to its original profile and is also recommended for gas or watertight repair.
  • Repairs are undertaken with the guarantee.

The repair by metal stitching and metal locking process can be undertaken of cast iron, aluminum parts including the following:

  • Damaged turbocharger casing.
  • Pump casing and gearboxes.
  • Fixing Cracked engine block, cam covers, cylinder liners, turbine casings, and all components.
  • Heavy industrial and mining equipment.
Metal Surgery under Process while Vessel is Sailing
Metal Surgery under Process while Vessel is Sailing

For a detailed repair process of damaged casting by metal locking, damaged engine block, metal stitching, broken engine block repair, and metal surgery please email us at, or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Cast Iron Crack Repair By Metal Stitching – RA Power Solutions

Cast iron crack repair by metal stitching and metal locking process is highly recommended. Metal stitching process for repairing casting is widely use, and accepted in the industry, and more successful process for repairing cracks in cast iron.

Steam turbine casing of Hangzhou make was reported damaged due to accident. The turbine operates at 130 MW peak load.

RA Power Solutions deputed technician to the site with latest breed of instruments, equipments and consumables in order to undertake inspection of the turbine casing and to execute necessary repair following observation was made.


Turbine casing due to accident developed multiple cracks at different locations. Crack of following dimensions were observed

  • Crack having a length of 190mm with indiscipline profile
  • 2 Cracks having length of about 300mm
  • Casting having dimensions of 600mm/450mm with thickness of 45mm was damaged into pieces
Turbine casing
Turbine Casing
Damaged turbine casing
Damaged turbine casing

Crack repair by Metal lock and Metal stitching.

Crack Repair and damaged casting replacement was undertaken by RA power technicians.

  • The damaged casting area was cut and disciplined profile was given measuring 650mm/520mm this area was properly ground
  • The damaged sample piece was sent for metallurgical test to know the composition of material.
  • A wooden pattern was made at site having an exact profile as of damaged area.
  • A new casting piece having superior metallurgical properties then the original damage casting was manufactured.
  • The new casting piece was fixed in damage area by metal stitching and metal locking process.
  • RA power engineers used metal locks, metal keys and all consumables’ imported from UK for repair of cracks and damage casting.
  • The polishing of outer and inner surface of damaged area was done and painted.
  • The turbine is presently working satisfactory and has completed 3500hr of operation.

RA power under takes repair of crack casting by metal stitching and metal locking process from last 40 years and have executed successfully repair of heavy components used in power plants, industry, ships etc…

The metal stitching and metal locking can also be undertaken while sailing the vessel.

To know more about cast iron crack repair, metal locking, cast iron stitching, metal surgery, and engine block repair, please email us at, or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Repair of casing by metal lock and metal stitching
Repair of casing by metal lock and metal stitching
Turbine casing after repairs
Turbine casing after repair

Metal Locking and Metal Stitching Process- RA Power Solutions

Metal locking and metal stitching is a process of repair of cast metals having different metallurgy without the necessity of wielding. Metal locking and metal stitching is a cold and proven method of repair of cast iron and cast steel components.

The advantage of crack repair and broken casting by metal locking and metal stitching is that it can be carried out at the site anywhere and it even does not require dismantling of the equipment in most of the cases this results to considerable saving of time and money. Crack and broken casting repair by metal stitching and metal locking is proven and is old method for crack repair it is widely used for heavy-duty plant and equipment, ship engine, heavy-duty forging presses, etc.

Metal Stitching of JIBB Plate of 225 Ton
Metal Stitching of JIBB Plate of 225 Ton

We regularly execute crack repair by metal locking and metal stitching of following parts:

Engine Block, Cylinder Head, Generators, Turbo Chargers, Turbine Casing, Gear Box Housing, Pump Casings, Compressor Crank Cases, Forgings Hammer, Lathe / Press/ Milling/Boaring, etc .M/c. all Cast equipment etc.

RA Power Solutions is a leading provider of metal locking services. We have a team of experienced engineers and technicians who are skilled in using this technique to repair a wide variety of castings. We have a proven track record of success, and we are confident that we can provide you with a high-quality repair that will meet your needs.

If you have any questions about metal locking and metal stitching services please contact RA Power Solutions. We would be happy to answer your questions and discuss your specific needs.

Repair by Metal Stitching Process

For more information on cold metal lock stitching, metal stitching service provider, metal stitching cast iron, crack repair by metal stitching, metal locking, and metal stitching of engine block email us at, or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Metal Stitching and Metal Locking of Engine Block – RA Power Solutions

Engine blocks, casting and most of the parts are manufactured of common material like cast iron. Cracks developed in cast iron parts are most difficult to undertake repair by welding process as it needs pre-heating of the cast iron prior to the welding. In certain cases it can cost additional stresses resulting to the damage of casting.

Material Used in Metal Locking and Metal Stitching Process
Material Used in Metal Locking and Metal Stitching Process

It is proven that metal stitching and metal locking has advantage of repairing cracks in cast iron casting due to cold process using different profile and material of stitching pins and locks without applying any heat as in case of welding.

RA Power Solutions Pvt. Ltd. undertakes metal stitching and metal locking of casting and has successfully repaired various major components of high capacity diesel engine.

Application includes repair of Engine Block, Cylinder Head, Generators. Turbo Chargers, Turbine Casing, Gear Box Housing, Pump Casings, Compressor Crank Cases, Forgings Hammer, Lathe / Press/ Milling/Boaring etc .M/c. Other all Casting Equipments etc.

In last 36 years more then 650 jobs of crack repair have been successfuly   executed.

Stitching Pin Used in Metal Stitching Process
Stitching Pin Used in Metal Stitching Process
Metal Stitching Done in Broken Area of Generator
Metal Stitching Done in Broken Area of Generator

For more details regarding crack repair by metal stitching, engine block repair, cold metal lock stitching, and cast iron by metal lock & metal stitching, please email us at, or, or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.

Metal Stitching of Crack Casting | Crack Repair In Grey Cast Iron- RA Power

In the case of cracks developed in the casting of mechanical equipment, the repair of metal stitching and metal locking is proved to be the best and most successful process. In the case of the engine block and turbine casings, heavy castings are used in mechanical equipment. It is quite difficult to replace them due to cost, time factors and interchangeability issues.

The repair of cracks by metal stitching and metal locking is a cold process. No heat is generated and the same original profile is maintained. In case of cracks developed in the housing of the engine block, the crack is repaired by metal locking and metal stitching is highly recommended as there is no distortion in the central line of the housing takes place.

Metal Locking of Wartsila Diesel Engine
Metal Locking of Wartsila Diesel Engine

RA Power Solutions have experienced technicians to undertake the metal stitching and metal locking process with a guarantee.

Crack Repair in Grey Cast Iron | Aluminium and Cast Steel Components

We undertake the crack repair in grey cast iron, aluminium and cast steel components by a cold process named metal stitching, metal locking, and metal surgery. As a diesel engine repair and overhaul company with four decades of experience, we understand the criticality and load factor of the major components of engines. For the crack repair of components, planning is done based on its application, stress, and load characteristics. The use of a special metal lock and keys is decided by our experienced engineers based on the extent of cracks. All the repairs undertaken by us by metal stitching and metal locking of grey cast iron, aluminium, and cast steel components are guaranteed for satisfactory performance.

Metal Stitching of Jenbacher Engine Block Under Process
Metal Stitching of Jenbacher Engine Block Under Process
Metal Stitching of Jenbacher Engine Block
Metal Stitching of Jenbacher Engine Block

We extend metal stitching services all over the world including countries like Madagascar, Oman, Qatar, Philippines, Bahrain, Srilanka, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Turkey, Nigeria, Greece, Saudi Arabia, UK, Dubai, Malta, and Cyprus.

For more information on crack repair in grey cast iron and aluminium, metal stitching services, and cold metal stitching contact us at or or call us at +91 9582647131 or +91 9810012383.